Anathema server

I’m enjoying the server but last night there were only like 7 people in ironforge and maybe 20 in SW. When I’m out questing I really don’t see anyone. Will blizzard eventually combine this server with a couple others or should so just reroll now? The server seems pretty dead already and we’re only a few weeks in.

It’s because you are Alliance

No one likes Alliance, unless PVE server.

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It should be fine over time.

I assume there is going to be another wave of people in phase 2 when layering is turned off. The queues with go way up on some of the high pop servers

It was interesting last night when I logged in, there were only like 2 servers with a high population and the rest were medium. Faerlina and Herod were both medium so maybe one of those would be a good choice but I’m guessing they still have pretty big ques during the day. Just to note, I logged in around 11 pm pacific time.

Were you from Rattlegore? Why would you switch? Rattlegore is not overpopulated at all.

Horde out numbers Alliance greatly. Some is expected but the balance is brutal.

i like those odds!

It’s because you logged in at 2am est which is where those servers are located and normal, working people are logged off and in bed. Last night on Kromcrush I had a 3k queue at about 8pm cst and I imagine Faerlina and Herod are even worse.

This is an MMO. That means Blizzard does not control other players.

Your realm could be full and have queues, but no players happen to be questing exactly where you are. That is your choice and their choice. It has nothing to do with Blizzard.

Is this experience really any different in retail WoW? My retail server is busy (the auction house is full) but most places I quest, I don’t see others.

I’m loving this server… me & a friend switched from Blaumeux a few days ago. Anathema has a more casual atmosphere (yup, great for casual players like me)… nobody seems to be racing to 60, just leveling & having a good time. We did 2 nights straight doing Scarlet Monastery instances (one was PUG, other was with guildies), and had a blast.

I highly recommend this server if you want a more laid back & stress-free community. Ganking is definitely much lesser here than in Blaumeux LOL SW has definitely less players on an average night, but it’s no ghost town either. I don’t like over-crowded servers anyway… too much general spam, too many kids running their mouths nonstop about “did I hear Thunderfury?”, etc

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