<Anarchy Inc> Dath/Aman/Khaz recruiting

AOTC (2/9M) and social guild founded in 2010.

Raiding Thu/Sun 7.30-9.30pm Server time .

This guild is an online hub. We like to hang and chat in disc yet we are dedicated and achieve AOTC each season. We love to push keys but won’t disappear by the end of AOTC. During the down time we run Glory achievements, transmog or mount runs. Always looking for a bit of fun.

For fated season we seem to clear H too quickly and wanting to step into Mythic raiding. We are missing rogue and shammy but a dps with healer offspec would be great too!. We are full on pallys and hunters. You will fit in if you are happy to be part of a team, focused to achieve AOTC and more, while having fun - it is a game after all! Interested? Contact me via battle net Zwirbel#1679, discord _zwirbel

Such a fun and supportive group. Strong recommendation!

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