Analysis Of Why Tanks Are Underplayed

I’m guessing the shortage has more to do with 1 (pugs have sucked since classic, especially as a tank) then 2 or 3, the time this started isn’t much of a mystery. Imo, tanks I know began to realize how terrible pugs were during classic.

Trying to herding a bunch of strangers through a dungeon isn’t really all that enjoyable.

I’ve had the opposite experience myself.

I’m not saying that Alliance DPS don’t harass tanks. But it’s nothing like what I saw on the other side.

Horde are generally more sweaty so you have people who are worse at the game who scream more loudly than alliance casuals who just wanna get in and out. Regardless of raid/dungeon/pvp.

Except the problem is youre assuming that the tank shortage is soley based on this over exaggeration that everyone is a jerk to new or old tanks and thus no one wants to be one. Ever think people are just making pug groups less cause theyre using community discord and raiderio to make teams and push.

Tanking for me is just slightly boring. I think with BM Monk its a tad more interesting with the Brews…but still kinda meh.
Healing is my favorite.

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I was referring to less players on alliance side, should have made that point clearer my bad

just drop mythic+ it sucks anyway just a laziness feature that they milked to death everyone hates it and only gold sellers are running it

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oh like guild wars 2 terrible system no thanks wow is dogcrap but still better than that turd

No I am assuming nothing. When I make groups for stuff I pull people from my friends list, my wife’s, or one of our discords. If it’s at a weird time we’ll pull a pug. Just like most other people. We are talking specifically about pug life atm. Which, you guessed it, is full of people pugging. In leveling dungeons and stuff you can see it as well which is where most would attempt to learn to tank but aren’t allowed to because of some io Andy kicking or berating someone for not pulling like it’s a +20 wailing caverns

Do you have a dps offspec? I notice that a lot of healers or tank have a dps offspec. Do you have different gear sets for that?


There is an overabundance of DPS and not enough of them want to swap over to tanking to get a group together.

Yeah this is my reason for refusing to play tank except when with friends or people I can trust. Last time I tanked and actually wanted to tank… I did so with a buddy of mine and after the dungeon he was telling me everyone but him tried to vote me out when he’d agree I did nothing wrong for a tank. I actually had a witness so I know I wasn’t imagining things but it’s become a thing that I get griefed more for trying to do my part and tank than i do as a dps. How you may be asking well first off I’m not some newb as far as tanking as i know what our job is and I make sure I understand the class’s tanking ability before attempting and when i grab aggro it stays mine unless I’ve got some griefers in the party. Every time I go to tank I always get at least one of the following people

  1. the healer who refuses to heal anyone but their self or the dps for whatever reason
  2. the dps player that decides he’s going to run ahead and grab everyone then pull them back to a tank who’s either recovering or waiting on healer to get mana
  3. people deciding to rage quit as I’m not speed running the entire dungeon for them
  4. the random bad spirited player who decides to just afk or leave during a pull or after doing one of the above things

Sometimes I get all the above or multiple but…yeah no…I’m not tanking for people who’re going to go out of their way to treat me like garbage

I feel like dps classes that have a tank spec would be more inclined to tank if not for the stat differences. It’s hard for new players to maintain 2 different gear sets at the same time, the game has not made it easy to dual-spec. It’s just too overcomplicated, I wish there was a system like FFXIV where all your gear is stored in a separate armory for each individual spec.

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There is very little difference between tanking gear and DPS gear for any tank.

I have all 12 classes and maintain gear for all specs on all of them.

The only real “gap” is if you are a Balance Druid and want to play Guardian.

Warrior, DK, Monk and Paladin all have very similar stats between their tank and DPS specs.

Edit: I left out DH, but their stats for both specs are equally similar.

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Half of my bags are full of gear for alternate specs. My druid plays all 3 specs, depending on what I am feeling like. Right now, my resto set is my highest ilvl set. But my tank set is very close to it.

I also rotate between 9 different characters. But my druid and priest are my top two geared toons this season. Just had a baby, so I don’t get to play as frequently as I’d like. So usually it’s just me logging in and doing a dungeon or two here and there across several toons over the week.

Or players that don’t like mythic+ can just not do it?

People used to dual spec back when you needed to change 16 slots not like 4.

Back when you weren’t changing just to improve secondaries, when you were trading out Int and spirit and mp5 for agility, defense, and dodge with full entire set swaps.

Yeah, secondaries may not be perfect but they are definitely good enough for the vast majority of content. Sometimes you don’t even need to change weapons and many dps trinkets are fine for tanks.

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Turn into a big dragon? you mean like turning into a big demon?

Where was the excess of tanks that were playing the cool new spec on horde in tbc?
Where was the excess of tanks in WOTLK?
Where was the excess of tanks in mists?
where was the excess of tanks in legion?
and why did it not have any staying power?

They have tried this. 4 times. and none of them worked.

Its not the class that people dont like its the role. People dont like the responsibility of being the one that makes decisions.


Here’s the reasons:

  1. Leadership skills - not everyone is born to be a leader. You need to be able to lead the team as the front runner.
  2. Tank abuse - too many DPS pull extra mobs then blame tank for wipe despite tank not able to handle them or expected for that situation of said extra mobs.
  3. No chance to learn - when I first tanked, it was neltharion’s lair in Legion. I accidentally reset final boss and got kicked without being told what I did wrong(later learned migitation negates knockback). How do you expect new tanks when you don’t help new ones learn?
  4. New player abuse - new players are not allowed to learn the game, everyone has a “gogogo” mentality in leveling dungeons that if your tank is slow they get kicked for not being an experienced player.
  5. Too many constant “updates” to M+ routes to time it, and strats. Too much to remember and too much stress to time the dungeon pulling the right things and nothing extra.

i dont exactly my point it sucks its a garbage system