An Update on Shadowlands

that was old blizzard. this is the blizzard that pushed out Reforged despite knowing it was garbage. noob

Revert to WoD or mop survival, fixed.

A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed one is forever bad. You made the right call blizzard. I was hoping for some more classes changes to things like monk, demo lock, and some more covenant ability changes, etc. and was beginning to lose hope, but with this delay I hope we can see some good stuff being added to the beta now


Just adding on that this was 100% the correct decision.


And if you’re a grown up you know this type of thing happens. Yeah you can be upset about it but you really cannot expect any kind of compensation from Blizzard and you really can’t hold it against them, given the completely abysmal state of the world.


Take as much time as needed to but dont forget 50-60 tuning!

I resubbed 2 weeks ago to finish catching up and to enjoy some prepatch content.

Sucks for me, but I guess it’s a good thing overall.

It’s amazing how everyone here is gobbling up this garbage. Last minute delay with no end date. How long is pre patch going to last now? 45 days? We know this game will be garbage because of the systems on systems on systems on systems and MORE BORROWED POWER. We need to start a petition to remove Ion. He has destroyed too many expansions. When is the vicious cycle going to end?


Better to have them take the time they need to get it right. I say this is good news! Patience is a virtue.


Start by making balance do more damage than tanks.

Did you forget this part?


This is the way

Ah, makes sense I s’pose. I can see how having less employees can have a direct impact on the overall health of the community. It’s still insane to me that there isn’t personnel who can take over.

We all knew that an October release was a bit too optimistic, and it was clear that the expansion needed more time in the oven.

I think it’s really good news that you’re taking that extra time. Here’s hoping it’ll pay off!

Excellent decision! Make WoW great again!

Im so happy with the positive response from the community. Keep it that way.
Blizz, finish stuff up, get game ready and nerf resto druids. It will all be good

Hi Blizzard,

Thank you for this update. Are we, the players, going to receive responses in our feedback threads? A developer on your team had tweeted a few weeks ago that they did not have time to review videos, but instead preferred things in writing. Many of us that are passionate about this game, and your success, have written HUGE articles on balance and recommendations in the feedback threads, but have not received a response from you. May you please increase your communication, even if it’s “hey guys, we see this, and are working on it.”

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Just to make clear, it is a good thing. I am not MALDING!

Dont need to remove covenants, they NEED to remove the abilities that come with it and the conduits. JUST TUNE characters, leggos and set gear and then we will have the best xpac ever

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So, are you guys going to get my company to refund my vacation time?

Way to go, announcing when we all knew it was broken so people could plan around your launch date.

It better be worth it. You just ruined my vacation time, and my start for the expansion. Thanks alot.