[A/N RP] Council of Lordaeron - A Lordaeron RP Community

“Let it be known, that the surviving lords of Lordaeron are called upon to attend council to address the mounting threats of our lands!”

Council of Lordaeron is a new community project aimed at bringing together Lordaeron RP and driving more engagement and interest in the RP community!

Alliance Focus
The Council of Lordaeron is comprised primarily of characters that have Alliance leanings with interest in Alliance controlled holdings in Lordaeron. If your character is Forsaken and part of the Horde, we recommend you check out the Eternal Court of Lordaeron, a RP project that is comrpised primarily of Forsaken.

Goal & Purpose

  • A bi-monthly (every two months) IC meeting that provides a platform for cross-engagement within the Lordaeron RP community
  • The goal of the project is to encourage cross guild RP within the community and provide a platform for Lordaeron wide engagement
  • Admins will be developing campaign events to engage the community and member guilds will have the opportunity to engage others in the community for their own events

Key Points

  • Organization is solely for open coordination and engagement of Lordaeron RP only, the council itself does not have leadership over Lordaeron community
  • Facilitator provides a round table format for those attending to openly make introductions, solicit interest in upcoming events from their own guilds.
  • Interactions are strictly person to person, guild to guild, the Lordaeron Council itself does not provide for more than a platform.
  • Meeting Notes will be taken and posted to discord, which can be distributed to other member discords
  • Following the brief round table, facilitator to host a social/tavern night afterwards.
  • Facilitator is only an organizer and meeting note taker.
  • Discord invites available upon request for distribution and OOC coordination between guild leaders/officers only.

Please reach out to myself if you are interested or would like further information. We hope to hear from any and all who are interest or engaged with Lordaeron RP! Discord contact is “adeim.”!


Is there a specific Discord name I can poke? I don’t see one in the OP.

As a moderator of the Eternal Court of Lordaeron project I will just clarify that the Eternal Court of Lordaeron is faction neutral and while we do have a large forsaken population we do actively welcome and encourage involvement and coordination with living Lordaeronians within our project.


My apologies I was away from the computer last couple days! You can find me on discord via “adeim.” if there are any questions, thanks!

Shouldn’t this be on your own community’s post? Rather than posted within another’s in a manner in which denotes a lack of support to said community?

Don’t you have a failing copycat guild to pretend to run?

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It seems to simply clarify that the Eternal Court of Lordaeron does indeed take in Alliance members that are interested! Nothing wrong with clarifying such a thing since the OP mentions being Alliance-leaning in this project. If there were Alliance players more interested in neutral RP there is simply a spot for them that this community isn’t quite covering. If I understand the phrasing of this post, ofc! :slight_smile:

How are you involved with the Lordaeron RP scene?


I’ve oocly talked to the leader of this group, as have other moderators in regards to my clarification which they are fine with. If you have something you’d like to discuss with me or the other members of the ECoL moderation team my DM’s are open as they have been, Johann.


We’ve had a fantastic amount of interest in the project and I want to thank everyone who’ve reached out!

We are going to have our first event on the 17th and I’ll be reaching out to those who’ve DM’d me, otherwise please feel free to reach out on discord!


I wish for more knowledge on this council.

Tomorrow we’ll be having Bi-monthly council meeting followed by social tavern night RP, reach out to me on discord if you plan on coming out!

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Northweald will be there!

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Helping out neighbors with a spot of undead this Sunday!

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Oh you’re giving us hand? How nice! Right or left?

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Northweald Dominion is hosting a “Tourney in the North” on Sunday which is sure to be a blast for the community!

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DM Adeim for Questions!

The Council of Lordaeron cordially invites members of the Grand Alliance to the Lordaeron Memorial Summer Social. Prayers and veteran testimonials will be given to honour the memory of Lordaeron and fallen comrades prior to a toast to begin the Social which will include local food & drinks, music, and dance.

Bi-Monthly Meeting & Summer Social

When: 6pm Server; June 22nd, 2024
Where: Souhshore (Proxy: N/A)

General Agenda
[Beginning Southshore Town Hall]:

  • Brining Council to Session, a memorial prayer in remembrance of the fallen will begin the meeting
  • Round Table Introductions & Specific Guild Activities (hook to solicit interest from others)
  • Lordaeron - Wide Business (Facilitator to table, and call for any attending groups to address by approaching table)
  • Formal Council Adjourned, Summer Social to begin! Relax at the bar, enjoy the dance floor, impromptu fishing derby at the docks, or relax at the beach!

As stated in the information, the Council of Lordaeron is solely a platform, so it is up to the guild/individual to drive engagement. However, Lordaeron - Wide business will introduce hooks for community campaign RP where others are free to join! Let me know if there are any questions!


Looking forward to another meeting! Really love seeing Lordaeron stuff for Alliance and Neutrals. :love_you_gesture:


We will begin tonight in the upper level of the inn!


Great time tonight with our friends in Stormwind! Please reach out via discord (adeim.) if you have any questions on the community!

We have expanded our discord membership to include interested individuals in other guilds, Lordaeron Nobles in other guilds, and alliance project leads. Please reach out via discord (adeim.) and admin team will look into getting invites out!

Otherwise the community will be practicing jousting tonight! Sure to be a blast, reach out if you are interested in coming out!

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