The current expansion bandage is the Wildercloth Bandage, which (according to the tooltip) heals for 6,346.
However, the Shadowlands bandage Heavy Shrouded Cloth Bandage, heals for 13,200.
I haven’t tested it, but if it is true that’s rather…odd.
The current expansion bandage is the Wildercloth Bandage, which (according to the tooltip) heals for 6,346.
However, the Shadowlands bandage Heavy Shrouded Cloth Bandage, heals for 13,200.
I haven’t tested it, but if it is true that’s rather…odd.
People actually use bandages? >.>
I vendor mine if I make them to skill up
I’m a Guide on most of my high level toons and one thing new players need on some of their classes is healing items. Even low level bandages can be a help for a new player with very little gold. So I was making up a whole bunch to put up on the AH (most of which sold). They are very cheap, dont make much but I have heaps of materials and figured it would help new players out.
It was while doing that I saw this weird inconsistency.
i think one is telling you the total healing it does. and the wildercloth is actually what each tick of healing it does.
Wildercloth Bandage healed me 7573 every second for 8 seconds.
Tooltip says 6346 over 8 seconds
Heavy Shrouded was 1969 every second for 8 seconds
Tooltip says 13,200 over 8 seconds
This is correct, tooltip wording just isnt accurate
Here’s the difference in-game showing that they’ve got the wildercloth per-tick healing in place on the tooltip instead of the total healing as Kittsuera and Akston said.
I feel like there was just a small spike on people buying bandages on the AH to confirm this info.
Combined with OP saying they sell bandages on AH.
Well played!
(joking )
Extensively used;
oh ah, forgot which bandage it was but when the snek sethrak dungeon was a leveling option i could heal the last boss for a lot more than the healer or the orb. (as a MM hunter)
Didn’t realize bandages were even in the game still lmao