[A/N] Looking for a guild

Been flying solo for a hot minute, and tried a couple invite offers, but they didn’t quite fit.

I mostly indulge in the RP side of things these days as I have a pretty full schedule and get on when I’ve been largely reduced to brain soup. I’m most active Friday evenings - Sunday afternoons.

I’m looking for a casual guild that doesn’t have attendance requirements, or minimum RP events. I’d love something cross faction, 'cause that’s neat, but not a requirement. Additionally, an RP guild would be neat, but also not entirely necessary since those tend to be themed and not every alt will fit that bill.

Just looking for a bunch of laid back folks to be laid back with, find inspo with and maybe do some casual content here and there!

You can drop me a line in response here, or just find me under Tinkerboom on MG.



I’ve been looking at some guilds lately, The Ashen Vale sounds like it might be a good fit for you, they have a website you can check out. I believe they are alliance and I don’t know much about them but I like what I’ve read. A chill, irl first kinda vibe. I like to game with people who remember this is, in fact, a game.
Edit: spelling

I’ll have to check them out, thanks for the suggestion! :smiley:

Kraken Company is Cross faction, without attendance requirements or minimum rp events and we’re pirates if that interests you
Check out our Forum post it has more information

Looking as well too! I have a lot of IRL things going on but Im more active wed-Sunday night. But not looking for a heavy RP guild as they tend to be a little intense on IC.

I’m a little confused by what you mean by intense on the ic

Think he means RP as main focus.

Could be a few things.

  • Certain people get so intense IC that it bleeds and becomes problematic OOC.
  • Some people don’t like having IC consequences forced onto their character for not fitting into a guild’s super strict standards of IC conduct that they insist be followed game-wide even outside of guild events.

I was a part of TAV (The Ashen Vale) before they came to Moon Guard and still talk to the friends I made there often. They’re a wonderful group of people and I can’t recommend them enough

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Intense like telling me I have I cant rp as a townsperson or cause im a dk I couldnt have been a cook or a lumberjack before I turned undead etc etc.

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