An Ironman's Journey

Greetings ED.

As most of you, I tired of BFA and the wpvp problems that plague retail wow. Not having played classic and having spent some time leveling in private servers, I realized how difficult it would be to find time to actually play classic. I recently unsubbed, but one interesting community endeavor brought me back into the game again.

The Ironman challenge. The rules are underlined here: h ttps://

Since learning about the challenge and watching some videos, I realized this was one way to recapture the magic I experienced when I started playing wow years ago.

The common wisdom was to go the path of the hunter, a pet class, or any of the self-healing classes. After much thought, I ended up selecting the warrior for my journey, because I have mained a warrior forever and this is the class I ended up always coming back to.

Just completed journeying across Loch Modan. Elites posed a threat, but met a paladin friend across the way who helped me kill one of them. This gave me the courage to go out and slay more elites across Loch Modan, including Lord Condor, the terrible bird of prey near the hunting lodge south that killed my first ironman toon (we killed each other).

Closest fight tonight, was against the Twilight Hammer Ogre boss Gor’kresh. Gor’kresh lived deep inside a cave, and I had no idea about his enrage mechanic. Barely slew the giant at 2% hp left.

What I have learnt so far is to enjoy the journey. The world feels alive again, and I am going to take the journey slowly, and share my experiences.

If any of you would like to start your own journey, join the leaderboard: h ttps://

I will see you out in Azeroth. Into the wild!


I wish you luck and much enjoyment on your journey!

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Good Luck!!!


Reading “if you do X you are red flagged” 15 times made me think of this lol