Soulburn: Seed of Corruption
Empowers Seed of Corruption with vile Magic, causing it to apply both Agony and Corruption, and taint all targets hit with a Vile Taint dealing X damage over 10 seconds.
Using Soulburn: Seed of Corruption will cause Seed of Corruption to incur a 30 second cooldown.
Add this as a passive talent next to Phantom Singularity and remove Vile Taint.
I know it doesn’t fix all of the struggles of the spec, but at least dot application would be easier. Could even remove the soul shard cost from seed of corruption and leave the Soulburn cost as the only resource requirement.
is not the lack of ideas to fix warlocks, its the lack of ears from blizzard devs to do any change.
Well said soldier of the void.
They’d rather just not care about Affliction.
This is so sad what I am about to say because I don’t want to complement DF’s Affliction tree by any means because it had so many problems but I miss Sow the Seeds. I absolutely can’t stand MR (malefic rapture) being more of a problem than ever. Now that we lost Seed, it’s been a terrible spec. You still play the MR/AoE talents in single target.
Oblivion will probably never be played and the fact we have not heard anything from the Class Devs about Affliction is wild. Even if they come out Tuesday and say, “sorry here’s an Aura buff for Affliction”, the gameplay is still going to feel horrendous.
We have to take the aoe talents because they add dots, which buff MR. Everything feeds Malefic rapture
Oblivion could be useful if they’d let it scale with mastery. It would have to hit harder than MR though to justify its soul shard cost.
One thing they could do is add it to our mastery and remove the shard cost. Just leave it as a 1 min CD. It would give us a big single target nuke every minute. Would be nice to have that
Yall need to realize any feedback on the clas is going to be done with the class discords.
Devs aren’t going to take class feedback from people that don’t play high end content and parse below average in heroic.