'An End to All Things...' bugged? (retail)

Currently leveling a new DK. The frostwyrm vehicle/mount is getting 1-2 shot by ballistae. I’m not sure if this is a bug or intentional, as I recall the ballistae actually being hard-hitters back when WotLK first came out. But having leveled a DK within the past few months, and a few before that, it hasn’t been this deadly in recent memory.

P.S. To clarify, I’m noticing the most damage comes from the ballistae. I’m not sure if the Scarlet archers accompanying the ballistae are contributing as much damage to the frostwyrm.


Might be a bug as I had the same problem with another quest in BFA:
No party like a Trog party BFA quest - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

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Interesting. I recall the Chauffered Mechano-hog was causing the rider to take, like, 1400% increased damage. Maybe vehicles bugged out in a recent patch?

Something happened at least. Done this quest many times and never had this problem until now.
There are more things like the Storms also, so things might have a connection to each other somehow.

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I was just trying this and holy hell, yeah it seems thing are severely way overtuned than it used to be. I am constantly dying way too fast, just a few hits and done.

Edit: I did eventually finish this basically by being way out in front of the area and taking down one at a time, eating people way outside the area. First time I could never fight and do the quest inside the actual mapped quest area.


Just looked this quest up and yea. Its crazy overpowered. Can’t even respawn without the javelins hitting me for 600 a pop

I made a undead DK so I could have one of each race, but with the “An end to all thing” bugged like it is, I just deleted the undead DK, way overpowered a Javelin hitting for 600-700 each, sounds like some of ion’s backward thinking. Just glad I didn’t go ahead and buy a level up token and a mount I wanted out of the store.

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This might be a little late. Made a worgen DK last night and would finish the starting area today. Get to this quest and damn, getting obliterated by ballistae. Also losing so much mana I can barely kill 1 ballistae at a time IF I don’t die. but I never remember being hit so hard by those things. It’s doable but damn it take some patience and strategy to finish.

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100% bugged. I cannot even kill one ballistae, I can only fire off 2 shots before I get obliterated by constant blasts. Blizzard please fix


For the DK area, I found it best if I start waaaay in front, so that I am barely hitting required units from out of range.

Same for me can we get a blue in here? even when i manage to kill a ballista it dont even count for the quest

now i get to wait a week just for a ticket response

Absolutely bugged, this is stopping new characters from progressing

I just made a DK and had to give up on it. This quest is brutal and borderline impossible atm. It NEEDS to be fixed

Also having issues. Things have way too much HP as well and you just can’t kill them. The ballistae take next to no damage and you need to eat a crusader every 3rd shot, which I definitely do not remember being a thing.

This has been a struggle. Even when you manage to destroy one of the ballistas you rarely are given credit



Adding extra words because Blizzard doesn’t know what a complete sentence is.

It was hotfixed back at the end of July. Are you saying it’s broken again?