So, this is a bit of a silly idea, all being considered, but I thought it was one that would be a fun little excersize for people in the vain of Marvel’s What If style series.
What if, presuming the timelines remain largely the same in terms of the Legion discovering worlds and such, the Draenei manage to some how land on Azeroth before the rise of the Kaldorei Empire? What happens to Draenor in that scenario presuming the Legion still finds it and Kil’jaeden has no need to twist the orcs into puppets to try and gank the Draenei?
How does the War of the Ancients look with the Draenei having a long standing foothold on the world in the same time frame the Legion arrives, now arriving to a world where the Draenei would’ve been able to influence the locals if they choose?
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Wouldn’t the Legion just never go to Draenor?
As to the war of the ancients…
Didn’t Cenareus turned one group of Trolls into Kaldorei, or influenced the change?
So would it be the Draenei that influences those particular Trolls to become a different type of race and society?
Wouldn’t that mean when the Tauren come back to Cenareus, instead of spending time with what would have been the Kaldorei, he influences the Tauren and its the Tauren that sort of follow the history of our universe’s Kaldorei/high elf stuff?
Path of Glory becomes Path of Borey
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Could be worse.
It’s just the Simpsons skit of “Imagine a world without…” but it’s orcs, and Azeroth without orc invasion is free of Orcs, red dragons being enslaves, the Scourge and Forsaken.
Granted, in hindsight this is bad for tauren unless there is Night Elf intervention.
I don’t think things really change too much. I think that maybe Illidan is told to eliminate the Draenei and he likely does a lot of that but I think the general story beats remain the same. I think Illidan still gets imprisoned and I think the Legion is pushed out. This event is more likely to have after the fact world(in WC-WoW era) effects than anything else.
If Draenei can become friends with Night Elves at the time, then maybe we see Night elves embracing Light? I dunno. That’s all I can think of.
If history is anything to go by, the Kaldorei would have started massacring the Draenei.
You just can’t help it.
Landing on Azeroth, the Draenei make allies with the dominant species of Azeroth: The Trolls, whom they share a love of learning and arcane knowledge with. Though their religions conflict a bit, they are ultimately able to reconcile those differences due to their shared hatred of the Void and its various minions. Through their combined efforts, they are able to kill of a few of the Old Gods and further strengthen the wards on the remainder. The rising Kaldorei Empire, led by its Queen Azshara and her chief consort Illidan Stormrage, stay out of the conflicts with the Old Gods and slowly increase their power and holdings as the losses mount for the Troll and Draenei forces. Despite reinforcements from Yaungol and Earthen, the wars are brutal and last centuries.
Eventually, a cold war between the Kaldorei Empire and the Draenei-Troll Alliance sets in with each side looking to shore up their territory while recruiting allies and attacking their opponents through proxies. The Kaldorei Empire brings in the remnants of the Void’s forces and utilize their magic to help fuel their forces and efforts. Due to the brutality of this new coalition and their use of massive swarms of allied Aqir, they took on the name of The Horde and were commonly called “Blood Elves”. Looking for a new source of power to fuel their efforts, The Horde discovered and began to dabble in fel magic. Through its use, the Burning Legion became aware of not just Azeroth as an immensely powerful nascent Titan but that their long time foes the Draenei were located on the planet.
Sargeras and The Burning Legion then turned their full focus onto Azeroth early which lead to a massive conflict far beyond the actual War of the Ancients. The planet is devastated amidst the war that erupts and a large portion of the Draenei are forced to flee when they are targeted by The Horde. They end up on a planet filled with orcs, ogres, Arrakoa, and more where they work with the locals to form an army to return to Azeroth. Working with agents they left behind, especially their steadfast allies in the United Troll Empire, they open a Light Portal to Azeroth where their Alliance of Races can transport itself to the fight on Azeroth. With the aid of the orcs, Arrakoa, and ogres, the tide is finally turned with the Burning Legion and Sargeras defeated.
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