An actual disgrace to spend gold for legendary pieces

I stopped buying them, not because I don’t have the gold, but because the price is ridiculous for a temporary item, Blizzard failed when they allowed crafted items like this knowing players would abuse the auction house!

I suppose if your idea if winning is to get better, then yeah you cant buy that.

I’d argue that a large % of players idea of winning is pushing mythic+, raiding, and hitting a personal mmr rating in pvp.

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Gear isn’t gonna carry anyone to any of that.


My sticking point here.

See I ain’t cheap. In eve if asked how much do I have I’d reply are you asking wallet amount or assets value?

Its not that I am cheap. Its that if I blow big money, I want the item to be useful 3 years later.

Why eve was an easy return for me. I got this Kronos (really good PVE battleship) in one chars hangar. Bought years ago, still valid. More viable even…it got buffed. 1 billion spent 3/4 years ago…and its still useable today.

PVP main has his widow in storage. 1 billion isk ship bought long ago when 1 billion isk was worth more (eve has some inflation issues imo) . Years laters…still a viable ship. Also buffed in recent patch.

In eve I have at least 10 billion in assets laying around. Worth every penny when bought 4 years ago or even before then. And STILL worth every penny.

then you got this stuff. 9.2, if not 9.1.5 even, will make all this stuff vendor trash. I’d spend even 300K for an item. If I knew in wow 11.0 that item was still viable to use.


I’m rocking my 235’s until prices come down.


You can just collect 40 Korthite Crystals, find a crafter who can make rank 4 and the +2 upgrade item, and pay the difference or bring all the mats and pay a tip/crafting fee.
If you buy tokens to get a Legendary you either chose to be inpatient or to not craft or to not make any effort making gold for the prolonged duration of 9.0.


You can buy all of those things and not have any advantage over other players. A good player in bad gear will always beat a bad player with good gear.

Also, there are zero items that you can buy that increase your power that can’t also be earned in game.

It’s not pay to win.



MY usual jest…I can spend $1000 on a shaman and still suck.

And would be kicked on that next herioc raid before boss 1 even met lol.

Usual rant of don’t blindly go off raider io goes here as well. But but…bought gear makes the score useless since people can fake it. Maybe the score is not looking useless. Maybe it IS useless lol.

NO you can’t farm all the mats. There is a vendor item you have to buy like 8 x 100 -125g each. And for each level of just one item of gear, i.e. ‘gloves’ you had to make 75 of them, each level requiring more and more mats! It is outrageous. I could see if you make 75 (still very extravagant) to level all of the legendaries you can make. Personally I am stunned by this.


'Member when you had to pay like 10k gold in Cata for a certain material that was needed for the Firelands legendary staff? Or for the Rogue daggers?

10k gold was a lot of gold back then. We didn’t have the hyperinflation of gold that came with WoD at that point.

Yup, it’s really the price of gear now. And the prices have already dropped significantly and keep going down.

If you don’t need it now don’t pay now prices. Base items that used to be in 500-750k range are now 10k.

Didn’t you get the memo, WoW is pay-to-win. Better go to Blizzard’s cash shop and buy yourself some gold.


No, Blizz did something right and made crafting professions a way of making gold.
Stop overreacting, as in other threads, prices have/will drop.

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Would have been more engaging to have quest lines for each tbh.


You can farm extra mats and sell them on the ah to cover the cost of the vendor items needed. Also, you can just find someone that can make the item. I think that’s an “mmo” thing where they encourage socialization between players not just in content, but through the economy as well.

We thought we wanted that, but we didn’t.

Or to be more precise, some of us DID want that, but others didn’t and still don’t, like the one who made this thread.

I really miss the days when professions could craft EVERYTHING needed for more complex pieces, with a rare component on a vendor. I leveled my blacksmith to Shadowlands max by buying the components from the vendor and putting them together. It’s resulted in fewer recipes for me to work with, decreased interreliance with other professions (miners haven’t found gems along with ore since Pandaria) as there’s only a handful of items a profession needs another profession to craft. I need potions for some cloth items, gems for others, the blacksmith needs an enchanter to enchant some bars—but in BFA the only connection needed between my professions (I have them all) was that the leatherworker needed to make bladders for the waterwalking shoes.

Having all necessary materials on a vendor is pure pay to win.

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Am I the only one who thinks that the constant complaints about WoW being “pay to win” sound eerily similar to justifications that people would use to buy gold from third party websites back in the day?

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If you want to look it at that way, sure, but I’ve never bought gold or a token. I also don’t grind gold, so while quest gold was enough to get me the materials (one toon is exalted with Org so bought there with the teeny discount) needed to max out engineering and blacksmithing, it’s not enough for anything else.

I guess it just seems to me that if you want something that requires lots of gold, you should either put in what’s needed to acquire the gold or decide you can do without it. It’s actually a lot like classic where the gold sink was the cause of the bulk of time commitment back in the day.

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