Among all of the flaws with the Dracthyr models

Why don’t the wings fold up when they are just standing around? And sure, an argument could be made that they aren’t “out stretched” but still, the wings should tuck in a LOT more. The way they stand upright, it’s weird.


It’s just the Dracthyr version of manspreading


According to what?

Your personal preferences for a completely made up race in a fantasy video game?



Comfort? Physics? Safety? The way they hang backwards doesn’t really make a lot of sense in terms of the wear and tear on their body, including shoulders, back, and core. Not to mention the extra width of them just running into things. If it were me I’d tuck them in closer to my body for these reasons alone. If the Windborne Velocidrake can do it, I should be able to, as a Dracthyr.


This is a video game where real world physics and logic have no bearing on design intent.

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I don’t understand your hostility.


It’s probably because there isn’t hostility and people like you get their feelings hurt when their posts don’t turn into a supportive echo chamber.

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lol… okay. Just point at the doll when you need to.


I kinda hoped they could do the thing in Gargoyles where they relax their wings around themselves kinda making it like a cape over their shoulders


Why don’t dragon wings fold up?

Will the doll have its wings tucked in or will they agree with the current physics of the game?

This is totally possible since they can’t wear capes. If you can be your own flying mount, you should be able to be your own cape.

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as I suggested, the windborne flying dragon’s wings do. So it seems arbitrary.

Does not compute.

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Hold up. Are we comparing wings to arms?

Yeah. I always thought that looked cool as a kid. Just nice if a Dracthyr wants to be polite and not hog the space.

But at the same time I just figured they probably keep their wings open to have them regulate their temperature. ( I understand the animation reason for it. I just like thinking up lore for it )

It creates a better sillouette so it is more recognizable and distinct. Is just for aesthetics.

Get a better computer? :dracthyr_shrug:

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You mean just like more folded than they are normally? Could be fine. They are pretty close to what the velocidrake already is tho. It’s just sort of reverse on our backs and not technically on our shoulders like the drakes are. We have a lot more “fingers” than those too. Could be neat to have some more options.