AMD or Nvidia

Building a new PC on a budget

i can get either a 1660ti (new) or a Vega 56 (Used)

i will be mainly playing WoW @ 1440p 60fps

is Nvidia or AMD better for WoW?

They benchmark near exactly the same. I suppose I would go for new in that case. Someone else may have their thoughts.

Processor may be the key for Wow. What are you looking at there?

Planning on waiting until Fall to get the new Ryzen cpus. Right now i have a terrible FX 8310, but it does what i need now. My GPU right now is a 750ti (Ancient)

The 1060ti would be a nice upgrade. That processor is still serviceable - low single thread score is all. They can be prone to overheating while playing Wow. You want to watch for that. They don’t like much more than low 60s celcius.

Its more or less a personal choice really. I have NVidia cards in my rigs. I would get a new card over a used one. Had to many cards I have had to warranty

Interesting data point: reading the Support Forums, it seems that current and recent generation Nvidia hardware features prominently, and AMD doesn’t seem to get many complaints. Of course, correlation isn’t causation, and there are plenty of possible reasons Nvidia users report more bugs and poorer performance than AMD ones. But my hunch is that Nvidia drivers and WoW’s DX12 implementation still need considerable work.

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I was running AMD GPU (two 6770 in Crossfire) with my old i5 setup. Last year I built an i7 8770k with 16gb of ram and a Asus Strix 1080 and running everything at 144fps at 1080p with no issues. I like my 1080 where I used to only buy ATI/AMD cards.

I have had both over the years. Currently have a NVidia RTX 2080 TI card. No issues at all. As stated would get a new card over a used one.

I would go with the new card. You might as well to save yourself the hassles later on down the road. I believe WoW is more CPU heavy than GPU. But, I would recommend the 1660 TI. I plan on going that route and changing from AMD to Intel.