<Ambition> 9/10M Recruiting Priest Healer for immediate core spot

Mythic progression group of experienced multi-CE raiders that are wanting to progress through SL mythic content. We are currently looking for a Priest Healer for immediate fill-in on Mythic Sylvanas (P3 Multiple times). Also recruiting more people to fill our roster with the possibility of bench/backup roles as well. Formerly known as XiT.


Recruitment: Priest Healer

Must provide logs for a trial opportunity.

Schedule: Tuesday/Wednesday 9:00PM-12:00AM (PST) (12:00AM-3:00AM EST) With an optional alt run on Thursday(same times as raid).

Requirements: Strong knowledge of your class and role. Willingness to do independent research on raid encounters/maximizing DPS. A strong background in progression raiding. Ability to accept criticism.

Officer Contact Info: Rohzay#1540 - GM Myystic#11627 - Officer Lanicus#1788 - Officer