Ambient Occlusion Recommendations

Figured I’d bring it up on the forums and ask if someone has a better understanding than I do.

The Nvidia App (the replacement for Geforce Experience) game settings recommend for WoW that ASSAO be used over CACAO.

Does anyone have any thoughts as to why this would be the case? This is the recommendation at all levels of performance range targets from highest performance to highest quality.

For posterity, I’m running a 2080Ti with 560.70 drivers.

Why would Nvidia recommend ASSAO over CACAO? Is there a quality or performance benefit on Nvidia hardware?

Older articles that the WoW Dev Team put out regarding CACAO imply that CACAO should offer higher performance in all scenarios than ASSAO, except it sounds like they implemented it in a “reduced resolution mode” to cover a wider breadth of hardware improvements. Does this still hold true even on modern WoW (particularly even 11.0?) with modern Nvidia drivers?

Hi there, since you’re not experiencing a technical issue with the WoW client, this would be better suited in Games, Gaming and Hardware.

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