Actually the opposite is true. “Common sense” is when people believe in something with no data or logic to support it. That’s why I asked for a link. But you, being a faith-based person, felt that no one should ever ask for real data. They should go on their gut feeling and what they want to be true.
That’s you.
Common sense is when people already know things at a common scale, meaning not that it relies on belief but that the things that evidence it are broadly visible and not requiring specialised knowledge.
“Asking” for evidence is a tactic for argument, not a tactic for self-improvement. If you actually wanted that knowledge you’d have gone to google and found it. You wanted to prove a non-existent point.
Hell, even if you believe he is wrong, it would still be a more intellectually sound behavior to present your own conflicting evidence, rather than leaving it to him.
Aww!!! That’s so cute…please, continue.
Don’t take this the wrong way, but are you new? There are people on here that live to be outraged for no discernible reason.
There is a problem buying them second hand if they were ever linked to an account then deactivated it basically turns them into a paperweight these things are one time use in that they can only ever be linked to 1 account and then never again even if deactivated.
That’s true, that’s a good point.
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They have smart phones. The issue is that they have multiple accounts and don’t want to hook their spam accounts to their smart phones.