So there I am standing in val and this DH appears next to me…hueylucifer!
One…brilliant! But let’s make it better and get him a guild called “and the noobs”
Get it? Huey Lucifer and the noobs?
And Huey I am not calling you a noob at all. Just a great name and mad respect for making it reality!
If you had the guild you could also have a toon called chewylewis!
Well played my friend!
No way, thats me! Cant believe I came to the realm threads and saw my name. Thanks for the thread made my day.
Inspiration of the name was a demon hunter on my friends list named mattdaemon. But i particularly like my name because hew is to form or shape so it goes well with the DH ability metamorphsis.
All good boss! I see you out there all the time a d it always makes my day so happy to return the favor!
I see you are a pvper too so if you wanna play sometime add me Treefolk#1413 I play evoker and priest heals too.
Boss you are much higher than I and playing with me would.prolly just irritate you:)
Sorry for the late response as I am old! I don’t get around like I used to. I mostly.juay pvp with my daughter now since she has caught the virus I had years ago.
I’ll send you an add:)