Amazing Demonology Alpha Change!

It’s a good change. It’s also a lazy change. They should have given Demonology a separate interrupt that isn’t tied to their stun. It’s not like Demonology warlocks are absolutely overloaded with utility or anything, particularly since they’re pretty much chained to using a Felguard.

The spell literally already exists in PvP with “Call Felhunter”. I’m completely at a loss why they don’t just give it to Demonology as a PvE skill.



Oh… cool. i thought the demo form was coming back but… this is fine too. :confused:

It is too trivial to replace pets for both hunters and warlocks right now.

I mean I already told you why…my point was if I don’t play warlock but even I can see this is a half-assed fix


You dont play it so why act like a 2 year old? Jesus

A non-instant interrupt seems pretty useless… unless the cast is like, really long…


This makes me so beyond happy. I wish it was instant but holy crap I have wanted this change for so long

It’s less than a second unless your pet is very far from the thing you’re trying to interrupt. And your pet defaults to meleeing its target so that would only happen in weird pathing situations, if the mob blinks a long distance and then immediately starts casting, or if a new add spawns far from the existing fight and immediately starts casting.

Those scenarios aren’t impossible though, so Blizzard should definitely look at any feedback they get about failed attempts to interrupt, but this is a very positive change overall (and also much requested, for anyone who thinks Blizzard doesn’t listen to feedback).

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I completely agree. It’s a step in the right direction.

I’ve also watched the cooldown of Axe Toss go down by 5 seconds before they get stunned. Axe Toss is incredibly buggy because a lot of the time, he doesn’t throw it and it is incredibly inconsistent. Sometimes he does it while felstorming, sometimes he waits. Who knows?

It IS an upgrade, but it isn’t much of one especially if it is a cast that is fairly short (I’ve missed Watery Dome “kicks” in TD throwing the axe at the start of the cast).


Not good enough they need to make it instant

I wouldn’t hold your breath over that; not while balance druids have a 1m CD.

Lets say you are drowning…

Blizzard just threw you a rubber duckie.

That is about what that change is…

Some people would complain if warlocks got spell lock baseline because the CD is too long.

How am I the child? You havent given a single reason WHY the change should be the way it is but I’ve at least explained why it shouldn’t

Shadowlands alpha has been consistently focused on feedback, probably more so than any other time. So tell me why feedback on an alpha ability that just came out is bad?


Balance druid also has a more useful interrupt than any other class since it is an AoE silence where tons of mobs in PvE are never going to move out of it (or can’t because they are stationary).

Well it’s for Demo locks so let’s see how long this lasts until Blizz nerfs it into oblivion.

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And they ask for a short CD interrupt all the time.

Also since it’s a pet ability you can use it without interrupting your current cast.

Although I AM happy with this… it would have been easier to just have made Call Felhunter baseline for all warlocks. Just move it from the pvp talent row into our spellbooks. Bam. Easy