Aman'Thul and other low-pop realm merger

I support a merg, i dont support a merg where its just a link of 2 servers that keep their server names. Axe one and be done with it. A good old server Mak’gora

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From the horde perspective, it would be a good idea to merge realms, saying that, a lot of my mates just bite the bullet and move to Barth to either go mythic raiding or whatever else they’re chasing. Maybe that exodus can be slowed by the merging.

*Please Blizzard help to equalize population on the OCE servers!!
I am the GM of an awesome Horde guild on Cael/Nagrand and each tier we struggle to get 20 solid raiders for Mythic prog. Recruiting is a nightmare… no one wants to tfer to a low pop server especially when Cael/Nagrand is predominately Alliance, Pvp is a joke as there are 10:1 Alliance:Horde and AH prices are ridiculous.
Sadly I see friends and guildies having to transfer to other servers like Barth just to be able to do decent Mythic prog and this only exacerbates the low pop issue.
Transferring our whole guild to another server is out of the question as we are like family and most of us love playing on numerous alts therefore the cost $$ is too high for everyone :worried:


A few things need to happen IMO blizzard needs to disband the inactive guilds. That would free up more people who stick around in a guild because they are hoping the GM etc are coming back. People also need to stop making guilds. I noticed on aman thul there were so many guilds that had low numbers yet people were making more. Guild mergers rarely work but if one guild disbands and everyone joins a new guild that would work mostly.

Maybe the GMs of the newer guilds can consider disbanding and all the raiders go to an older more established guild. If a guild has been around for 8-10 years its clearly got a gm who knows how to keep it going what the harm in a 1 or 2 year old guild disbanding and joining up?

Also putting the 3 small realms together obviously we left aman and I really like that realm but we just struggled to find numbers too. Most of the raid team came but we did lose some and that was pretty sad we had to leave friends behind. :frowning:

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What happened to resilient? Loved those guys

One 40v40, winner takes all!

I’d also like to add my voice to the call for a server merge. Our previously mythic raiding guild has haemorrhaged numbers recently, we are struggling to just have enough to do heroic once a week, and I’m not keen on transferring 6+ alts to frostmourne…

exactly what we’re dealing with. transferring the guild is not an option we would like. i have been on realm since early BC, guild active since early wrath.

When you log on and your the only guildie on its depressing.
Amun Thul has lost so many good players that have a passion for progression.
I have an alt on Frosty and you can never log on without there being at least 15 guildies on who are keen to do something.
I vote merge

+1 :slight_smile:

While the theory of this is great… you’re all wasting your time waiting for a response from Blizz let alone an actual merge…

Server merges happed years ago, unless Blizz have recently hinted at the possibility of more, then all of your petitioning is simply falling of deaf ears…

It’s simply a time to decide on whether you want to xfer as a guild or individually… LFG is the same for everyone, regardless of realm, if LFG isn’t helping the numbers, a realm merge surely won’t either

Isn’t that the point though? i haven’t seen Blizzard state “no more mergers” so we don’t actually know. we can assume and just quit the realm and people we have been with for 12+ years, or we can try to get some feedback?

I think the fact it wasn’t merged to begin with and no Oceanic servers have been merged since is a pretty clear sign.

To be honest, my main is a mythic raiding toon on Frostmourne… yes there are a lot of toxic people there and the server does have a stigma of being that way, what people NOT from there don’t see is that these issues you are experiencing on Aman and other lower pop servers is also happening on FM… there are guilds that are 4,5,6,7/8M that are disbanding. Due to some absences, we are only just fielding 20 people for raid on some nights, recruitment there is quite slow also… obviously not on the same level as you are experiencing, but it is still an issue none the less.

What really needs to happen is oceanic literally be reduced to 4 servers. With server capacity technology where it is today, that will easily suffice…

At the end of the day, I agree being a long term Aman player, that it should be merged, and should have been from the get go… I just don’t think Blizz are even in that realm of change anymore… who knows what the future will bring though!


Yeah we have the same issue everytime we get into Mythic, it is impossible to maintain a 20man raid team. This xpac has been the worst for this, to the point that we are not eving doing Mythic atm as we can not field a team! I am at the point where i considure AT to be a dead realm…

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GMT plus 8 is very hard to recruit for, unfortunately there is not enough of us, I started the guild I am in now as a GMT plus 8 heroic raid, moved to Barth, then took a break, came back and its GMT plus 10 and Mythic raid… and still having issue filling, having done mythic am not interested, but its interesting to see its not just the quiet realms that are having issues, a merge may not actually fix it for you, although it certainly wont hurt.
Getting 20 people to raid constantly is a battle for most atm

Personally I think you need to merge 3 to 1, not just 2 to 1.

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Hello from Khaz’goroth/Dath’remar.
Same deal over here. At least half of the Mythic raiding guilds on our server have either transferred or broken apart/been absorbed into other guilds.
Please consider merging a bunch of the realms together Blizzard, keeping a full raid group is getting harder and harder. Even if it means compiling all of Oceanic into 4-5 realms.


Well, there are an awful lot of people in GMT+8 timezone, we just need to get them together.

You and Delimeat are right, I think. Compress Oceanic realms down to 4. It’s not going to put us anywhere near on a footing with NA realms nor put Perth/Singapore etc on a footing with Sydney/Melbourne, but it’s definitely going to make things a lot easier for all of us.

Just delete Saufang. He ded.

haha i miss my old realm Thaurisan. i moved off cause it was legit dead. I was in the largest guild on the server. we usually had between 40 - 50 people online. I’m pretty sure that WAS the server haha. Like every allaince online was in that guild. with a few other loners here and there.

100%. I am GM of a Mythic raiding guild on Nagrand/Caelestrasz and this next tier we wont have a raid team at all. Classic has shredded our team and there aren’t enough players on Cael/Nagrand to re-form before the next tier. It has previously taken months to replace a handful of leaving players. I’m sure Blizzard would take a hit from a merge by losing realm transfer dollars, but at least we might be able to play the game at a moderately competitive level.

Again, we gotta hope Blizz isn’t cynical enough to be plotting for our transfer dollars…