Am I the only one who sees this?

It isn’t even confirmed they came from dragon eggs. Even in books that do delve into their origins.

They (likely actual draconic gods, though the lore is very vague about it) just created Dragonborn. They didn’t use dragons to do so, they were making slaves. Again, this is the only thing set in stone, they were just made for a purpose.

They do not have true dragon blood, no.

This is talking about Purebloods. Their lore has always been as such, and they’re typically made specifically to be spies.

Multiverse is vague because it’s trying to be setting agnostic, thus the verbiage you’re referencing.

No comment about why I have issue with the Dragonborn origins? I’d rather talk about that than arguing endlessly in a loop about ancient lore. Ancient by actual written standards, in some cases (Yuan-ti)

It is confirmed on 5e PHB 2014 and 2024 and even on the Fizban supplement.

I mean, at this point you choosing to ignore the canon that literally state they are made from dragons, thus having their blood, and their racials that state their 1.dragon ancestry and how can they summon their dragon powers/channel their draconic energy at will;

Its all of then, some rituals just went wrong and they became abominations, this is also almost the same from volo’s information(FR), just more darker, adding cannibalistic elements to the rituals and making outright evil.

I don’t think its necessary to, because that is ultimately personal/subjective, i was only arguing about the canon aspect of thing that is beyond our taste

No? All it says is Dragonborn come from eggs, a departure from 4e. This is talking about their own reproduction.

It says they’re made by dragons. Not from.

Their racial is just an ability.

Volo’s is as follows;

The serpent creatures known as yuan-ti are all that remains of an ancient, decadent human empire. Ages ago their dark gods taught them profane, cannibalistic rituals to mix their flesh with that of snakes, producing a caste-based society of hybrids in which the most snakelike are the leaders and the most humanlike are spies and agents in foreign lands.

dragon eggs, clearly stating they come from dragons, due to some sort of induced mutation, pretty much like vrykuls turn into humans

By dragons, from dragons

They didnt come out of nowhere, they didnt took chicken eggs to make then.

Ability that describe flavour and what the skill represent

Exactly what i said:

You’re right, I must have read it the first time a while back and assumed it was unchanged but misread.

Dragonborn in the PHBs do not mention dragon eggs? They mention eggs in Dragonborn growth because it’s part of their reproductive cycle.

Just by.

Yes, like many of the other races you mentioned, they literally did come out of nowhere. This is sometimes the nature of godly creation.

This is the very first line in their description:

Born of dragons, as their name proclaims…"

And you get this:

Dragonborn originally hatched from dragon eggs as an unique race

this is what i see

It also says this, apparently.

The blood of a particular type of dragon runs very strong through some dragonborn clans.

I’m going to chalk this up to being away from 5e for so long. I know 4e’s lore was very different for them, maybe I was mixing them. Used to be the whole schtick was “oooo no one knows for suuuuure”

Still aliens from Abeir, though.

In any case, it hasn’t changed my opinion of them. A waste of a race, jammed into the setting for no legitimate reason.

Half-Dragons have always been capable of a similar appearance, as well as more varied appearances (including human faces) for those who want lore-accurate but don’t dig the “furry” vibe.