Am I the only one who sees this?

Dragonborn are the stupidest thing Forgotten Realms has to offer.

Narratively, but the art isn’t great either. Wild how people think “dude in a rubber sleestack suit” is peak anthropomorphic dragon design.

I race changed a week ago and havent logged out to reset it. I wanna see how long i can be a worgen dracthyr

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Just let them transmog like everyone else and they’re fine. And anyone with hornless dracthyr should go to jail. Federal prison. No trial, just a judge reviewing their login screen.

That would be elves sir

Dragonborn art is great and dope, especially from 4e to now

I’ll take an elf over a sleestack any day.

Dragonborn are dragon creations with no dragon blood made as slaves.

On Abeir.

They’re aliens. I hate everything about their lore. I’m a little hyperbolic about their appearance as a result.

Elves are the worst fantasy race by far, they are on pair with kenders

that depends on the mythos, in many they were born from dragon eggs

The Abeir Dragonborn (the only ones actually referred to as Dragonborn canonically, despite Draconians for example using their statblock in 5e) were made in eggs, but they are distinctly noted as not being of dragon bloodlines.

It’s a mess.

Like i said, different mythos, there is dragonbonrs in FR, greyhawk, Eberron, even now with exandria

Draconicans are the evil meatshield from dragonlance, cause they didnt want to use orcs, as it would be too on the nose as a LOTR rip-off.

Even recent lore - from new editions - already made the info you have non-canon, dragonborns DO have dragonblood and even their racials now reflect that by using then to do stuff

Yes, but they all have caveats.

Greyhawk doesn’t canonically exist in the greater planespace anymore, and FR is still the default setting WotC actually spends time on.

Meanwhile the other settings get attention but the original writers are wholly left out of the equation. (I get why.)

If you mean 2024’s changes, that would be out of my purview. I’ve moved on to PF2e as my primary because I finally got sick of WotC.

Technically all of then exist in their own spheres, is like multiverse bs

We even got new adventures recently(5e) that are set in greyhawk, like ghosts of saltmarsh.

I meant 2014 5e, Fizban book gave dragons and dragonborns a ton of new lore and stuff, even add gem dragonborns

The one that says it combines the best traits of humans and dragons? It’s consistent with the old lore, it’s still the same lore as before - they don’t have literal dragon ancestry, they’re just created in their image. Dragons playing god, essentially.

Greyspace was destroyed, it’s why (idk why I said Elminster, I meant Mordenkainen) and Tasha live in Realmspace now.

Also, editing to clarify - this is a muddy area in WotC’s writing. It’s unclear where Planescape, Spelljammer, and other settings are supposed to overlap within individual settings’ canon. But the Icewind Dale book seems to suggest at least Spelljammer’s telling of events is canon to FR, meaning Greyspace should still be destroyed.

I’ll spoiler why in case you haven’t run it but want to;

You find gnomish squidlings in a crashed nautiloid with weaponry from Spelljammer in it.

We will need this once we go to the Undermine.


No, they do have dragon ancestry, even if they were “created”, they were born from dragon eggs with dragon ancestry/blood/power, their racial is literally called Draconic Ancestry.

Mind you, almost 100% of the dnd races were created by a god or something else.

This was retconed ages ago. Like i said we have canonical adventures set in greyhawk in 5e, pretty sure the last adventure of 5e, before going to 5.5e was also set in greyhawk

That’s because it’s inherited by way of giving the way the Yuan-Ti have heritage of the sarrukh through magical experimentation.

You can know for sure they lack the ancestry of the two “parent” species because the actual product of humans and dragons is already well-defined. It’s Half-Dragons.

When? Where?

If you mean GoS, it’s setting agnostic. Meaning the events are canon, but there is no confirmation that Greyhawk is the canon setting. Much like all modules end up with a rough canon for sequence of events.

This is similar for all setting agnostic modules that are canon.

ITs not like that, yuanti are humans who made rituals on thesmelves to be snakes

You are confusing hybrids, dragonborns were either created from dragon eggs by dragons or, spawned by themselves, there is no humans or other humanoids involved. They 100% have dragon blood/power/ancestry


Canonically it takes place in greyhawk.

All aventures are somehow agnostic and you can shove in any setting

No, Yuan-Ti are Sarrukh creations from experimenting with humans and snakes.

Yuan-Ti make more of themselves with the rituals you’re talking about.

They’re a totally artificial creation, and we’re running into a wall here. You’re relying on the word ‘ancestry’ but they were explicitly created as slaves. Not a single of the in-canon theories ever posits that they’re the product of actual lineage.

Even the positive views of Bahamut cults demark them exclusively as creations.

Dragonborn do not have draconic ancestry by way of blood.

This is one of the only things set in stone about them. Because WotC is lazy.

Its default setting is Greyhawk, this doesn’t mean it’s canon. To do you a favor, I did some searching to see if maybe I’d missed something. It seems they may retcon its destruction… sometime following the 2024 DMG, since the setting is finally mentioned in it again.

As of base 5e, it is not retconned so far as I can tell.

For any lurkers reading, I want to clarify that all of this canon crap barely matters. DMs will run things however they want. We’re just nerds arguing about irrelevant garbage.

The new lore of yuanti is what i said.

Retcons happen all the time in dnd

Like, literally almost 100% of the races in 5e.

Again, most races were created, Gruumsh created orcs, Corelon created elves, moradin created dwarves, gnomes were created from gems, Maglubyet created goblinoids or twisted then(depending on the mythos) and so on

Its rly weird to be so centered around the created or not aspect

The intent here don’t rly matter, what matter is that they came to be from dragon eggs, having dragon blood/powers

Nah, I save 50% more on Fel & Co Insurance for my Warlock and minions.

From what? So far as I know their origin is unchanged.

That’s true. Some of them frustrate me a lot.

I mean, sure. But the question is whether or not Dragonborn have dragon lineage, not whether or not they’re natural. Elves don’t have Corellon’s blood, Gnolls don’t have Yeenoghu’s blood in them (except when they do - thanks Wizards.)

If you mean why I take issue with it, it’s because Dragonborn are a shoe-in. A space already existed for the phenotype, Half-Dragons, and they’ve already been significantly nerfed from their 3.5e days, so it’s not unreasonable to make them a PC viable race.

Instead, we got sleestak.

Monster of multiverse book.

And its a fact that they do have dragon lineage, it is literally state they come from dragon eggs, they use dragons, to create then, its on their name, they are born from dragons.

Same way dragonborns dont have tiamat or bahamut blood…but they still have dragonblood, it is canon