Am I the only one who dislikes Thunderstrike Ward?

For years, Ele/Resto Shaman have predominantly used MH + Shield, with occasional Staves being BiS. And only very rarely do we get to use 2H Maces. The Fist of Ra-den and Tharasdil both came with Shields in Legion, supporting my point.

2 Handed Int Maces are one of the more rare weapon archetypes in WoW, largely because only Shaman, Druids, and Paladins can use them. Even still, there are the occasional great options that are BiS (or close enough) that give us the rare opportunity to wield a big ol’ bonk bat to cast with.

However, Thunderstrike Ward is essentially attempting to put an end to the choice of either Staves or Casty Bonkbois; either TW is strong enough to warrant reducing our choice to MH+Shield, or else its too weak to be considered - essentially a wasted talent. It’s a lose-lose situation.


  1. Remove Thunderstrike Ward
  2. Make that talent a choice node with a new talent that increases Flametongue by %X when cast on any 2H weapon.



easy to do :

  • make it a buff instead of shield enchantment
  • add the buff to lighning shield
  • make it passive duh

This is my favorite, personally.
It reinforces my need to refresh both Flametongue and Lightning Shield after each wipe.


truly a bad decision to make it not built into something.

Skyfury, flametongue, lightning shield, thunderstrike ward.

it’s like the devs have a refreshable buff kink. (I do like spamming skyfury in raid to see all the wind though)


The real solution is to do away with oddball loot like two handed into weapons and staves for shaman. That or add extra armor via a class passive while wielding two handed weapons.

A shaman should never have to choose between extra armor and block from a shield, or nothing. Zero benefit to wielding two handed weapons is kind of insane in 2024.


the buff is fine but the shield req…

why its was implemented in the 1 place ?

why this went live ?

why isnt changed yet…or at least acknowledged as “mistake”

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I like the animation too much to care, plus it only seems meta in PVP right now. It would be nice if you could put it on your weapon though - I don’t want to see it removed


Agreed. I like it, I like the animation, I like seeing the illusion in my shield.

me too , but its wrong being force to use shield if u take a talent , specific weapons were removed for a reason (rogue combat , and warriors for example)

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