I will never understand why nobody else thinks of his scene with Sylvanas in Silverpine.
She’s using plague bombs, she’s using Val’kyr to raise dead Alliance soldiers to serve her, and Garrosh is the first one to compare her to the Lich King, say her actions are dishonorable, and to watch her clever bish-mouth.
Blizz can talk about a “missed memo” all they want. I don’t play the game with their memos in mind. If what I’m shown is a more reasonable Garrosh, then what I have is a more reasonable Garrosh. If the only in-game evidence I’m given to contradict this is him sending planes off to attack Alliance ships as we enter Twilight Highlands, then frankly that doesn’t really change matters; this guy once wanted to split his fighting forces not only between fighting the Lich King and the Alliance, but the Alliance on multiple fronts. Strategic errors are expected from him.
With his depiction in Wrath, sure. But Cata?
I dunno. Other than Twilight Highlands, I can’t think of many desicions from Garrosh within the game that didn’t make logical sense.
Taking Ashenvale and Darkshore pens in the night elves, taking an enemy force off the board, which becomes his most sound strategic decision when the alternative is being attacked fom there and Southern Barrens, effectively penning the Horde in.
Pushing Sylvanas to get a port for her people (or more realistically, a larger one) should never have been an issue, because the Forsaken should have already had one.
I would definitely say that reasonable, logical decision-making is a far cry from the “attack all enemies everywhere at all times, just for the vibes” Garrosh of Wrath.
By the time he ate the Heart’s magic juice, Vol’jin already had gathered a rebellion and started working with the Alliance (with great tension, of course) to sabotage Garrosh’s resupply efforts in the Barrens. His Horde wasn’t winning any more, and had faced their first obstacles that couldn’t be easily overrun. And whenever Garrosh faced an obstacle in MoP, his response was to go full toddler temper tantrum with a full gas can in one hand and a blowtorch in the other.
(Cynical Alynsa incoming)
And by that time, the devs had already decided that GarryOrc would be the cause of WoD, talking those orcs into being exactly as evil as the orcs of the Old Horde but without the demon juice excuse. They had already made it canon in their eyes that when push comes to shove, orcs as a race will go full evil when given an opportunity, so when he’s being pushed and he’s being shoved, why wouldn’t good old GarryOrc drink some void juice? Orcs just do whatever evil is in front of them, right?