I have been watching way too many tiny home and small dwelling videos, so pardon the analogy coming up.
You cannot build a solid, stable house on top of a ruined foundation. All you’ll get is a house that if you’re lucky only manages to settle unevenly and require near-constant repair.
The foundation of the Horde has been damaged beyond repair. No amount of paint you apply to it will fix that damage. No amount of wood can build a good Horde story with a broken foundation.
Future expansions don’t undo the past experience, especially when players can revisit that past by talking to Chromie and play through a rough vesion of it all over again.
It’d be one thing if this was only a crack. Only Cata and MoP. If we only deposed one warchief, then returned to blood and thunder, lok’tar ogar, remember honor. But it wasn’t a single crack. It was a compounding series of cracks that only ended when the Horde was just not even talked about.
To build a better future, you need to repair that foundation.
But the thing is, once that foundation is broken, and its filled with cracks and it’s unstable, the worst thing you can do? The absolute worst?
Ignore it. Just don’t address it at all and keep on going on as normal, with the full load of the house wearing down on it.
Because while it might look like you’re not doing anything to it at all, you’re actually allowing it to get worse.
I’m gonna switch analogies now, because this isn’t just a foundation of a house.
It’s a wound on the body of the Horde. An exposed wound, caused by an escalating series of injuries, and left untended. And untended wounds get infected. And ignoring them just leaves them to fester.
And that’s what we Horde mains are talking about; the injuries from Cata, from moP, from WoD and from BfA have been left festering. They went septic in Shadowlands, when smaller cuts and pokes and prods were done to the wound. Dragonflight just threw a dirty blanket over the wound to hide it. Septic shock has already set in, and a Horde-ish goblin patch isn’t antibiotics or surgery. It’s asprin at best, if you ignore (as I admittedly have chosen to do) that at the end of the day, it’s also a patch where the Horde part of the story is a Horde leader going after a former Horde leader that ends with that former Horde leader presumably dying.
If you can’t ignore that? It stops being asprin for the septic shock. It becomes dirt rubbed into the still-open wound.
That’s why we feel the damage is beyond repair. Nobody will even try to close the damn wound, let alone give it proper treatment. And the longer it goes on, the more impossible treatment became, where we really just want some morphine for the pain at the very least.
Putting a very pretty bandaid on the wound in the future isn’t going to fix the septic shock within the Horde.
Putting a new house on top of it won’t repair the broken foundation.
I should watch different things on YouTube.