Am I Doing Something Wrong?

Just returned to retail after years and years because I got the itch to RP, and Stormwind is a complete ghost town. I don’t mean no one RPing -I mean no one period. As of the time of this post (4:22 server), Stormwind has 9 whole players present. But the server is listed as full?

I must be doing something wrong. I’m not in war mode. I’m in the default timeline for Chromie time. I’m not at level cap but some of the 9 whole people are, so that can’t be it. Can someone provide some guidance?


So first off, welcome back to Wyrmrest Accord.

To answer your questions - Stormwind’s not really a place anyone hangs out any more. We’re in End of Expansion Lull, where there’s a lot of folks on hiatus until The War Within drops, so most folks are chilling out in the current Expansion main hub city or doing Mists of Pandaria Remix (like myself).

Similarly, it’s a major holiday weekend in the US, so some folks simply aren’t online.

Finally, Wymrest Accord’s server demographics favor the Horde over the Alliance. That’s not to say there are no Alliance players, but we’ve lost a lot of our community to Moon Guard.

Duskwood is the principle hangout spot for Walk Up Alliance RP at the moment.


As Vanndrel says, most people will be using Valdrakken, Dragon Isles as their home city at the moment.

edit. If you want, I can add you. I’m going to make an alliance character today. We can chat sometime if our playtimes line up.

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Alliance RP is mainly in Duskwood currently. But everyone’s in Pandaria Remix.


I’m usually in Duskwood most evenings… usually. Right now I have so many mounts to collect in Pandaria Remix. Mounts for the mount throne!!!


You should probably find a way into Wyrmrest Community Project! WrA is very event-focused now, so finding a place where events are advertised is important.


Seconding the recommendation of the Wyrmrest Community Project’s Discord server. Try this link, OP: Anp9Xse76j