Alts no longer count?

Being forced into playing a fleet of useless husk chars to farm events was terrible.


Thing is, it was never changed. So Blizz didnā€™t figure out anything. Itā€™s always been once per account for the week.

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Exactly, we all know the threads during valentines event ā€œIā€™m logging into 50 alts everyday to farm the rocket I have no time to do any actual gameplay.ā€

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I still have to farm valorstones and coffer keys so I can progress with my weekend groups. And Iā€™m farming honor for pvp recipes. I was kind of glad that I could use alts to help on this quest,.

That to me is very different. And still shouldnā€™t exist as a low droprate.

Because now Iā€™m hit with only running HH once a day and if I forget to get the curses, my chances are less.

Looks like it was mentioned because of the edit to the original article from WoWHead:

Requirements slightly changed due to the nerf on the quest Celebrate Good Fun!.

The good news is, you get all of these from also running the TW raid, even in LFR.

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Most of the quests are for stuff weā€™re already doing and get you Pinnacle caches with keys and stones. So it shouldnā€™t much impact that. And you can still do it on an alt if you want, since the currency is transferable.

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3 bronze tokens for 5 TW dungeons was not worth it for me.


I did the TW dungeons for the achieve to help with the free mount from the meta achieve, and the near 600 TW badges I get for the same quest which in turn was used to up my Zandalar rep to exalted, buy some missing pets and toys, and will ultimately add another mount to my collection. But you need to play how you want to play.

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Yeah I got 2 done and started thinking ā€œthese classic tw are not fun.ā€ But I was basically halfway there and on a tank for instant queues so I just struggled through it.

If anyone reads this and hasnā€™t started I would just skip it and do something else

Once they made everything warbound, they nixed all the alts from the equation so you cant get all your goodies too quickly for Blizzards time table. three steps forward, two steps back yet again.


The only Dungeon I was even excited to seeā€¦ DeadMines. I took my time in there, did slow pulls, and just relished the old boss fights. VanCleef went down too fast for me, but in one run I collected 6 very iconic items that I did not have for my Mogs previously. I wish they had added Wailing Caverns and Sunken Temple into the mix, and put the two removed wings from Scarlet Mon in as well. So many great memories.

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Ive always known thats how Blizzard operates, however long an event is, thats going to be how long it will take to get all the goodies. Blizzard cant stand letting players take a breather because if they have time to contemplate their place in the world, they may realize theres things outside of wow. then leave and never come back.

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Why would you transfer currency, you can buy any set on any character.

LOL no, they donā€™t give a crap about what the players are feeling. This is to try and force people into spending months grinding out a handful of quests for some cosmetic items. They are far far FAR more worried about filling up some stupid time played metric that they are about players having a good experience.

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I do it solely because I do everything Rep related on my main, and try to keep my gathering and adding to one toon. Itā€™s just how I operate. I also like the idea of using the character who makes the purchase use the item instantly for the cosmetic changes. If I buy the Mage set on my Druid, I then have to log out, into my Mage, and make the change anyway. So I find it more efficient.

Be that as it may, you know some dippy-doo is gonna run here, make a thread called ā€œBlizz hates us!ā€ and then rant for 3 lines of dribble about being forced to play every alt just to keep up, and then end the whole rant with an ā€œLOLā€ cause they want people to agree with them claiming it to be laughable instead of calling them out for complaining for no reason. Didnā€™t even have to happen, and we ALL know it would.

No it just prevents people logging into 20+ alts and getting the event over in a week or two. If they could get the same result letting people do that as they do with their usual routine. they would let everyone pull out an alt parade every event.

Iā€™m not saying you are wrong about that. Iā€™m just saying Blizz doesnā€™t care. It is all about extending 12 hours of content into a 3 month grind.