Alts cannot get the time rift weekly quest "When Time Needs Mending", bug or intended?

Hi! I completed the time rift weekly on my hunter, so an hour later, I was going to do it on my druid, however the quest is not offered. Is this a bug or intended?

UPDATE July 13th

I used the command on some of my alts that cannot get the quest, “/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(77236))” and it tells me that they have completed it, when they have not.

Also, my rogue had the quest, logged out to do something until the next rift, and the quest is now GONE. This needs fixing ASAP, the m+ bug was fixed nearly instantly.


I’m on the same boat brother, completed on my main wich is a hunter too…
Tried an hour later with my pally ano quest, then 1 more hour later with my drood, same history :frowning:


same here thought I was losing my mind for a minute. weekly quest not available on any alts after doing it once


where are the blues?
why is it always so hard to get real communication around here?
indie company I know but still…


oh yeah same hare… I thought there had to be some prerequisite…


I received the weekly aiding the accord time rifts on 2 70’s, however my other 70’s are getting dragonbane as their weekly. I have had no problem going over and doing the time rifts on those allts though.

Same here. Not sure about the actual Rift weekly, but after I completed Aiding the Accord + Time Rift weeklies on my first character, everyone else got Dragonsbane Keep for their Aiding the Accord instead. Pretty sure this is a bug, as I have not gotten a single Aiding the Accord for a 10.0 event on any character since 10.1 launched. Also, the timing competes, as if I am doing Dragonsbane Keep, I won’t be able to do the Time Rift that hour (since they both start on the hour). I can’t believe they would deliberately put in a weekly that essentially encouraged you NOT to do the new content the first week of a new patch.

EDIT: I deleted Aiding the Accord from my log and plan to just not do it until they get this fixed, as I don’t want to waste my time doing Dragonsbane on 10+ alts when I could be doing Time Rifts instead.

Also, maybe worthy of a separate post but also relevant here, is that completing a Time Rift while in a raid group does not count toward completion of the Soridormi weekly (though it DOES count for Aiding the Accord, weirdly). I cannot for the life of me believe that this is intended, or if it is, why anyone thought this would be a good idea for this kind of event.


I got Dragonsbane Keep on 10 out of 12 characters. The main problem I have had is no one goes there to do the attack. Trying to do it with one or two people is ridiculous.


Pretty sure it’s supposed to be the Time Rift for everyone, and is just bugging. I more or less refuse to do Dragonsbane Keep on 10+ characters, so I guess I’ll wait until they hotfix it, or next week when it rolls over (hopefully) to something more relevant to the patch we’re actually in.

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Wrong weekly buddy. There’s a weekly that rewards a TON of paracausal and this and other threads are about it not showing up for subsequent characters. You can repeat the rift as much as you want, but the weekly quest to complete 1 rift is not showing up for alts.


my Aiding the Accord was time rift on 6 chars and dragonbane on 1. For the 6 that received time rift, i logged on and accepted the quest before finishing it on any character (i knock out a bunch of profession stuff and work order quests each week before i do the AtA quest), but the 1 that got dragonbane I accepted after I completed all the other chars.

As for the weekly time rift quest that awards the purple orb thing that contains 1k flakes and other stuff, I think I got that on 2 of the 7 toons. very frustrating on that…

Then, of course, there are the “transfer aborted - instance full” errors you get half the time and can’t complete the rift… why couldnt they just spawn the final boss without an instance scenario… i get it, it takes you back to the actual fight, but it’s completely busted.

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Also wrong quest. The quest this thread is about is “When Time Needs Mending” that rewards Contained Paracausality.


Yes, we’re aware. But if you read the thread, you’ll see that I mentioned that IN ADDITION to not receiving the Soridormi weekly, all my alts were ALSO receiving the wrong Aiding the Accord quest. People are responding to that. It’s not a misunderstanding, it’s touching on a related issue.


Bump. Would be nice to know if this is intended or a bug we can expect to be fixed.


Same. Wierd thing is only 4 of my max level toons got the time rift event for the weekly rep thing too everyone else got storming the keep.

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Okay, so I used the command for the quest on an alt who has not done the quest because Soridormi is not offering the quest and it’s saying that I have completed it when I have not.

However, some alts are able to grab the quest. I don’t understand why this is so buggy.

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Same here. Got the rift weekly for AtA weekly on 8 toons before even doing one, and my last toon the next day got Dragonbane Keep. As a Prot pally, got it done easy enough with 5-6 players.

There is no “wrong” as that has always been a thing. I’ve had alts get the cooking one in the past instead of sniffenseeking for example. Has absolutely nothing to do with this.

This thread is getting derailed by something 100% inconsequential and that has nothing to do with it.

This thread is about the new weekly quest to do the time rift ( When Time Needs Mending), not the one you get in Valdrakken.

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Thought the post started about the weekly quest that you get at the rift event, people do want to know about the helping the accord quest too because from my experience there was always an underlying factor that changed it for certain alts but this time i see no pattern with at least my alts. Personally i would like to see something from blizz the reasoning on it and confirmation one way or another if its meant to be.