My keybinds are set up by a single key press as well as combination of ctrl+key and Alt+key. For example, I have one ability bound to R and other ability is bound to Alt+R.
The issue I have, for some reason, this specific combination Alt+R doesn’t work anymore.
R by itself works fine. Alt+1 or Alt+F works fine as well.
Tried disabling addons, relog, nothing helped. No idea what else should I try.
I already check the NVIDIA keybind and the alt+R is not binded.
Maybe someone had a similar issue?
This user has a similar issue (though different keybinds) that ended up being caused by a Weakauras.
You said you disabled add-ons, but did you uninstall the launcher and do a full UI reset after? If not the add-ons could still be affecting things.
Once you are done testing if it helped you can simply rename/move the folders back to replace your UI.
hey, I’ve already tried this, I just uninstalled all my addons and reset the UI, the problem continues. This problem started yesterday.
Its something to do with the Nvidia app. I don’t know where the setting for it is but as soon as I deleted the app my alt-r started working again.