Alternatives to Curseforge other Addon Download sites

It seems Curseforge has turned off the API used to download addons. I can only assume they’ve determined a way to make money or more money off addons uploaded to them for free! I was using WOWUP, but it doesn’t work without the API. I WILL NOT be forced into using curseforge’s client and providing them personal information they can sell. Hopefully developers will agree upon alternatives for their work besides Curse, maybe wago?

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Yeah, I just noticed Ajour stopped working… RIP.

Selling your information…what? I’ve been using curseforge since Classic launch and have not had a single problem with it.

Imagine being upset over a free service.

Perhaps look into the history of overwolf before you trying to ride the high horse.

There’s a reason it’s hated, especially since they’ve gone scorched earth policy on any other addon managers to try and force people to install theirs.


Have a link or anything? I did a google and didn’t find much on the negative side.

Use the site and drag the files into your addon folder.

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So basically, they’re providing a free service that costs them money, and other tools were using that service while excluding their ad revenue.

Someone said there’s a beta client without Overwolf which doesn’t have any of the information stuff.

Or this. Classic requires classic methods :slight_smile:

curseforge has a lightweight alternative that isn’t overwolf. using it right now, it’s basically like wowup. No clutter, no nothing.

Everything I could find was them denying the claim, and no evidence provided by anyone to the contrary.

The feud between curse and wowup makes it difficult to download addons as wowup is the only way I can download them on my computer other than manual updates.

Because the game is so reliant on outside addons to function correctly such as in raid encounters, it seems like it would be a good idea to disallow any addon download providers from distributing addons (with copywritten blizzard API) without providing free use of their own API for downloads to the other distributors.

Since blizzard presumably only allows distribution under their terms, it seems that this would be possible. It makes it difficult to play the game in a consistent manner as the default UI is often incomplete and the API designed specifically to fill the development gaps by outside programmers.

Perhaps blizzard could offer payment, wow tokens, transmogs, or other things to developers directly to produce addons and offer their own download sites (and even advertise their own blizzard games).

Blizzard has zero say over a site not wanting a 3rd party leeching their bandwidth.

Only thing the ToS says about addons is you can’t charge for the addon.

Correct, but they do have a say over that same site distributing their copywritten API I would think. In other words, they could give them a choice of allowing distribution or denying them access to distribute work derived from blizzard’s API. The TOS could probably be modified.

have a link to anything?

the EULA you signed when you installed it

Would be too much effort to police anyway.

Cursforge/Overwolf is not doing anything wrong anyway, they’re not charging you to download addons, they’re just clamping down on preventing 3rd parties from using their bandwidth without permission.

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Perhaps, but they are taking advantage of blizzard’s IP while not providing a healthy experience to downloaders, thus reflecting the bad experience back onto frustrated players who associate the experience with the game itself.

I remember lucasarts was able to clamp down on fan made videos even though they actually promoted star wars. Those fan videos might not have even made money in many cases. I didn’t necessarily agree with this in that instance, but generally these types of producers have a degree of control over content distributed in their name.

You can just download without a program, or use the standalone Overwolf free program.

It’s really not much different than when curse was running it and you had to pay to upate more than 1 addon at a time.

Or when twitch owned it and made you have a bloated piece of software.

The game isn’t reliant on any addon. There are many players that are reliant on outside addons. I’m not saying using addons are inherently bad but at a certain point using a certain number of them more or less automates the game. But then again alot of people aren’t interested in playing the game, they are interested in collecting things, which I can’t relate to but to each their own.

Anyway, I’d encourage anyone to use less addons. I used a ton of them in OG WoW and in classic I use hardly any and feel I’m more engaged with the encounters. Most wouldn’t try this because its true…your parse will suffer…but it really does force you to pay more attention and thus, I believe, get you more involved.

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Nah, just lock down the UI to not allow addons; cake.

anyone caught going around it is perma-banned for hacking the client.

As for the default UI the buff / debuff timers need an improvement in that they need to be movable and should also have a few options of placement.

No thank you.

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