Alternative way to get Invincibles Reins/Mims head

Would it be possible to get an alternative way of obtaining these mounts?. I’m not a hard core raider and feel I’ll never get a chance to get these mounts.

Maybe they could be put into the frost emblem vendor etc for 2-300 emblems each?.

It would just be cool for people like me who will prob never down hard mode yogg or 25H LK to still earn these cool mounts.

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Why do you want a mount people wouldn’t even be able to see?


Everyone wants the rewards without putting in the work……no if you’re not good enough to do the content you don’t deserve the mount sorry. This is exactly what’s wrong with millennials and gen z. They want want want but don’t want to do anything for it. (By the way I’m not doing content that’s going to get me a mount either I’m just not a spoiled)


Don’t worry if you are in like 1/2 the guilds that eventually (not currently) will kill just hand it to trash GMs and LC members because they put in a ton of “effort” by calling out what a WA or boss mod puts up on the screen and still manage to fumble it a 1/3rd of the time.

Ok boomer.


If you play on retail, that exists. Just once a week go in and kill Yogg-0 and LK on 25 heroic mode and get a chance. You can easily solo it at 60. Which means you don’t even need the dragonflight expansion, and you are already paying a sub.

It takes maybe 12-18 hours to go from level 1 to 60. So it won’t even be that long before you can start the real farm.

Ok renter.

No worries, you’ll be able to GDKP one soon enough

Sure. 10,000 frost emblems sounds like a fair price.

After all, its what a 5% drop chance? Unlike mim head which is garentee on 0 light.

Thats not really fair, the cost of buying a house is so stupid that if compared to wage growth is over 100% more expensive than it was 30 years ago.

And i own my home (still paying a mortgage). I have to rent out my extra room just to afford it without having to dip into savings.

The price of owning a house is insane.

But its fair for him to call someone “boomer” even tho they likely are not?

2 wrong do not make a right. But 3 rights make a left :wink:

Invincible is guaranteed on 25 Heroic until Cata drops. Then its 1%. Same with Mimiron’s Head.

If you want the coolest and most exclusive mounts, you’re going to have to do the content. Sorry.


Nope. The prestige mounts are rare on purpose.

I am not against this, eventually badges become obsolete, this would keep people farming frost for a while longer and increase dungeon participation.

Only a child would think that’s an insult lmao

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Lol. That would take almost 2 years to get, of which wrath is not going to last that long.
But if it were an amount that was possible to earn, it would be too easy. So it shouldn’t be on the emblem vendor at all. Kill the lich king or you don’t get his horse.
If you read the Arthas: Rise of the Lich King book, you’d know he loves that horse. He’s not selling it. If you want it, you’re gonna have to pry it from his cold, dead hands :slight_smile:

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Then I guess you’re a child because I wasn’t trying to insult you though you take it as one.