Alterac Valley in Classic

Right except for the little fact that in this thread they clearly explained why they think 1.12 is superior.

Which is probably just a clever lie because “we think this version is better” sounds better for PR than “we were dumb and lost the original due to our patching process back in the day.”

Despite already admitting at BlizzCon that they had data loss for that very reason.


I would agree if these weren’t changes that were made for the exact reasons stated during vanilla. I don’t see many people whining about not having 1.1 talents, which were changed for the same reason as AS, the original versions just weren’t that good.

Well, the evidence speaks for itself. Stuff was overwritten directly in development. The original AV map isn’t even in the game files; Blizzard has never outright removed art from the game files, only overwritten it if it got updated.

AV got updated a LOT. The original is long gone.

They don’t have a 1.5 AV to give us and they’re not about to do what pservers do and make an attempt at an inauthentic recreation using what they do have.

Perhaps, of course that they seem to consider 1.12 the better version anyways trumps whether they can or cannot even recreate an earlier version.

It most likely is both reasons, but they just decided to share the one because it sounds better.

They’ve got DLT or SDLT tapes somewhere. Everyone has old tapes in a closet that you know about and DDS or Travan tapes that you don’t know about.

Seriously though, it’d be sweet to watch them work backwards from old patch notes and patch it backwards. You can do it Blizzard!


The dog ate all of the internal patch notes, meeting notes, meeting minutes, backup tapes, hard drives, sketches, drawn maps, as well as eating each person remotely connected with developing that specific instanced content. The knowledge and skill it took to create that one instanced BG is lost to the sands of time and none of that mysterious ability can ever possibly be grokked again. Imagine the wondrous ability of our forefathers, making sweeping changes from patch to patch, quite effortlessly. Alien civilizations are suspected to have helped them. It is the stonehenge/Easter Island/Pyramids/Bigfoot of computer game content.


They could just patch backwards. In theory the Classic crowd will be FAR FAR different than the launch crowd and they could solicit feedback. :slight_smile: Well, if they read things like feedback, that is.

I would have to imagine they had actual written notes/instructions from discussions they had prior to any of the changes being coded. You do not just dive in and start making changes on the fly without a list of specific things to be done. A list including which NPCs to remove, which to nerf by 15%, which to nerf by 30%, etc. Would doubt very much things like that would have been deleted/lost/fedtodogaccidentally. With them, changes could absolutely be reverted.


Doubt they’d ever consider replacing 1.12 AV with the original, maybe instead they they should make the old version an additional rare queue event, in a similar way to brawls.

Maybe a once in a blue moon single week every couple of months type dealio?

If and when they see it as a race of factions avoiding PVP and zerging to the end repeatedly, I would love to believe that they would take the initiative and roll the NPCs and higher stats back into the BG. However my belief is much stronger that they simply don’t care.

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Or break it out for AV weekends? I wouldn’t mind only doing BGs on certain weekends. I think that would make everyone happy, except Blizzard if they don’t think it’s worth the effort.

  • We asked for the earlier version of AV since the nerfs began in vanilla.
  • We asked for the earlier version in a variety of polls throughout the last 10+ years.
  • We asked for the earlier version when we were encouraged to communicate what versions of vanilla elements we preferred.
  • We asked for the earlier version when stated that 1.12 would be the “foundation”.
  • We are still asking for the earlier version since you dropped the news that you plan to go with 1.12 AV because the early version was “hard” and “gross”, in the hopes you change your stance and finally take notice of what we have been asking for for well over a decade.

Given what they are doing with the mount system, I hope that they will apply that same exact logic.

Removing NPCs and making them easier lessened the experience. AV was unique because it was a pvpve experience.


What is not going to be cool is AV firing rapid fire. AV might have taken 3 days to fire the first time for our server back in the day and it was not uncommon for a single AV match to span over a dozen hours before a side lost. With how the populations are forced together by blizzards hand with layering and forcing many servers together instead of having single servers this is no longer the case.

Knowing the people on your server is no longer the case, you will know your guild and the rest will be faceless masses phasing in and out of your game experience, too many faces to be reasonably recognized because blizzard forces people together to save money by layering players and spreading load between cpu’s in racks.

Really wish the one facet of vanilla we kept would be the community; the faceless masses of retail wow is the worst part of wow and the one that is being FORCED on us in classic.

No 3 or 4 hour AV’s, just 20 minute trash BG experiences mimicking retail wow. So cheap, so forgettable.


So stop being lazy and break the zerg, there you go, now you have your drawn out pvp battle.

I remember back in AV 1.5 or some such, I kept running into a well known rogue from my server, that had tons of BIS gear. It was a multi-hours-long match and he saved my bacon a number of times when I was cornered by a some dudes trying to do nefarious things to my pet and me.

Those were good times.

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