Alterac Valley in Classic

I was there from the beginning and I recall tons of complaints to the point where on our server Horde premades all but boycotted AV because it was pointless.

The GM response to the Horde should’ve been, “get good.”

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That just proves you have no idea what it was like.

We didn’t lose because we were bad. We lost because after 30 hours of playing, Alliance had endless queues and Horde ran out of players. Those long matches weren’t won through skill, they were lost through simple real life attrition. People quit queuing, and when one side has 3x as many people in the queue, you’re battling a fresh 40 with 18 hours long tired players on the towers in your base.

I was Horde strictly until the Ulduar patch. I know exactly what it was like. Frankly there’s nothing wrong with that. If there’s a population balancing issue that is up to Blizzard and the community at large to fix. That’s not something intrinsically wrong with the battleground itself; if you don’t have the time to commit to an AV in my opinion you shouldn’t join it. That can be said about a lot of things.


And yet, the response from a large part of the player base was “Fix this because we’re sick of AV”. They didn’t change AV on a whim.

If you’re sick of AV, how about don’t queue and let the people who enjoy it enjoy it?

People whining for QoL got us to the horrible retail experience we now have - and people like me who said suck it up were right. Subscriber count has never been lower.


Uh. That’s what happened. Everyone stopped queuing on the weaker faction, and the games all ran down. People complained on both sides. One that it was unwinnable, the other that no-one would fight them.

Congratulations for again showing a distinct lack of being there.

You’re pretending all the servers were the same; I did not have your experience in this regard.

No, I’m remembering what the community was like both on the forums and in game. Yes, some servers were relatively even and didn’t have the issue. They were the minority. Also if you were there, why don’t you have a title?

Implying I still have the same account I did when I was like; 10.


So you’re implying that you have a clear recollection of the community dynamics… from when you were 10.

Considering pretty much all I did was WoW, yeah. Yeah I do.

It’s not my fault your server’s population was imbalanced.

I have a clear recollection of MalGanis as it was when I was 35 and on the horde side.

It’s fun watching people claim that queues were too long, but that also the BG was too long.


I never claimed the queue was too long… on one side. That’s the point of AV on its launch. One side had a long long queue and the other side had almost zero queue, because of the faction imbalance.

I have often said that faction imbalance is what needs to be fixed/dealt with at launch of the game, either by faction balance queues or otherwise. The BG was not the issue in and of itself.


Bump to refresh desire for early AV. Much more entertaining battles.

But unless you enforce faction Balance, then CRBGs are required.

With 20/20 hindsight, AV 1.5 with CRBGs might have worked for the queue, but CRBGs destroyed the server cross-faction community. Giveth with one hand and take away with the other.

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Nah… if I want to fight NPC’s there are a number of dungeons and raids that are already primarily focused on that.

I don’t see why we can’t get a rotation of old AV every so often just to experience it. No reason it has to remain static indefinitely.

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If Blizzard doesn’t have a copy of old AV available, which I believe they don’t, then there is no reason to ask for it. They can’t just re-code it and remake it from scratch; it wouldn’t be authentic.

Stop asking for a private server experience from Blizzard.