Alterac Valley in Classic

I am not satisfied at all. AV at its peak was one of the things I was looking forward to for Classic. This is a less than satisfactory outcome.


Doesn’t mean we have ro agree with it. And based on the threads an earlier version of av has widespread support.

Like i said. Dissapointed but not surprised.

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Not surprised here and honestly not disappointed. I love both versions so no matter what the news was today I 100% don’t care lol.

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I strongly disagree with this.

The original 1.5 AV is such a significantly more interesting experience than the 1.12 version.

Nerfing the NPCs is what lead to AV being a zerg fest and ultimately ruined the experience. It was intended to be a massive Horde Vs Alliance battle, and the powerful NPCs are what enabled that. The racial drops are also one of those RPG elements that we all loved from vanilla, and contributed to the all out epicness of the BG.

Not to mention the gnoll and syndicate camps that added flavor to the battle. Does anyone remember the “All seeing eye” quest? that is something I was really looking forward to experience again.

Some things were obvious improvements, like the GY spawn points (I also vaguely recall the horde starting the battle in control of Snowfall GY, but could be mistaken) but the original version, especially for the intent of classic, would make classic even more of a unique and fun experience.


Not mad, but feeling disappointed is fine. I don’t really have any memory of those sections of the map that were cutoff in 1.8. I was very much looking forward to experience something that I really never did. But it is what it is, and 1.12 is still authentic Vanilla.

I’m trying to look on the bright side, and that would be I no longer have to consider pvp when picking a class. With this news it’s also pretty much a guarantee they’ll be using cross-realm bgs. So my main reasons for doing bgs will have all been removed. :wink: One less factor in picking a class.


Will post something I posted in another thread

Understandable that people are upset with this outcome, but I don’t think this means the sky is falling. They’re definitely looking at/reading feedback (take the timeline for example) and making changes based on community input.

If 1.12 AV isn’t for you guys, let your voices be heard, I guess. It won’t be a bad idea to consolidate people on the matter in its own thread like the gigantic sharding thread we have.

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They only have resources of 1.8 and on word. They said that at blizzcon. you just seem to be throwing words out just because now. So how long do you think it’ll take for them to re introduce it? The only thing they can do, is work on it while releasing the phases. And working on it while prior to classics release. BUt I do not think it’s going to be “easy” like you think it is.

Very disappointing.

After all these years, you guys STILL don’t realize that more and stronger NPCs = MORE PvP. Without the strong NPCs, the game devolves into a racing game in an attempt to get rep and honor as fast as possible. The same crappy racing game we’ve seen in modern WoW for over a decade.

If you’re going to do this, at least significantly buff up the remaining NPCs a large amount in an attempt to cut down on the racing.


Hmm… so the zergfest begins!!!

Not ideal, but I’ll still massacre the Alliance up and down the Valley all day.

Please keep Korak and the loot mechanic in tact. It was the real reason we played AV was for the enjoyment of it being an additional PVP zone. This I fear will take the magic out of the BG and just make it a race to win again.


No Korrak, no NPC armies…



Why? You can play this version of AV on retail, and have been able to for over a decade.

I’d rather you give us as close to 1.0 AV as possible, please. Shredders, mine fields, EVERYTHING. This is the true authentic vanilla experience. I want day(s) long epic AVs. Fighting at a choke for days, kiting entire zergs to mines to watch them all die, summoning epic npcs to push into the alliance or horde base to finally move some ground. Desperately defending from the enemies summoned champions trying to hold your ground.

Leaving the battle, going to bed, then waking up and joining the same struggle again? Man, that felt so good. That was such a cool feeling I’ve never been able to get before. Then once you finally break through, capture their final graveyard and enter the boss room and win the fight? You felt like you just won a decade long journey, and remember the people in /yell trying to organize and give orders. You remember the enemies who tried so hard to hold on and not lose. There were heroes on both sides, and it felt like a real battle.

All of this felt so EPIC and an experience you haven’t been able to ever get again in WoW since the massive nerfs. Give us our truly unique experience that’s the AV I remember from my times playing Vanilla back in the day.

AV went from a massive battlefield - a true war where every persons contribution mattered all over the entire huge map - to a a centralized zerg on a single objective where you ignore PvP to end the game faster due to all these nerfs over time.

You can get 15 min PvE rushes on live servers, and have been able to for over a decade. Classic should be where you experience the unique versions of how content originally was.



So they could have easily went with an older pre 1.10 version of A/V then.

Why not do so? Clearly the communiry is very supportive of the idea and blizzard has already set a precedent of not a pure 1.12


Equals DOA. No one is interested in zerg AV. How disappointing.


Right? Would prefer earlier version as well. And the talk of “balance” around 1.12 is pretty funny… as it’s not.


Sad. I was hoping we’d see the return of Korak. Everything else is fine.

Why not just give the 1.5 AV for the first half of classic and then give the nerfed version after? So that both worlds are happy.

I don’t think many people were asking for 1.12. People wanted vanilla. Vanilla wasn’t a static object, it was a process. Vanilla is WoW as it moved from 1.1 to 1.12.


My longest AV took 16 hours. I got almost 4.000 HKs from this match alone.

I played it from the begin to the end. I remember that when my friend (who have left in the previous night) joined again at the morning and I told him that it was the same battle, he was like “WHAT?”

Oh, man. It was the good old days.

Like you said above, when you finally reached the last GY and defeated the boss, you felt like it was a decade long war. Back in my previous realm, people would talk about that same AV match for more than 2 weeks in the forums.

It was back in the day when being “Horde” or “Alliance” meant something. When there was no sharding and the AV match was decided by which faction kept motivated for more time.

The feeling of pride for defending your flag because you, and the people around you would hold the ground as much as possible because everyone wanted to be in the winning side once the news about the epic event battle reached the realm forums.

It wasn’t about the reputation. It wasn’t about honor points. It was about the very essence of Warcraft that brought so many fans of the title to the MMO game back in the day and made the community be what it used to be.

I missed it. I wish we could have it with the classic.
1.12 AV will NOT give it back to us.


If The Horde even has a functional playerbase with all the streamers that will be Alliance and their little lemming twitch chat to follow them everywhere.

Only downside to classic now. I dread any server with a streamer on it, as that servers faction balance will be utterly destroyed.

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