That’s the point he wants to play it… the real version that is (not 1.12)
I would like to ask if the iteration we will receive will enable the quests that lead to the pre-raid BiS crossbow.
MY vanilla memory recalls that on upon the opening of AV and studying the quests I quickly focused on getting that bow improvement, which had a SERIOUS bug in the model.
Thre crossbow appeared as one of those “drow” hand crossbows. But was pretty much the best hunter weapon you could get before Rok.
At some point soon after, the model was fixed, and I think also at some point the acquisition of this bow was relegated to a rep grind. Which allowed those of us to acquire it on Day 1 through a quest, could get a second one through rep grinding.
Would someone informed, who actually took time to read my ramblings let me know what to expect when AV drops?
It’s the Bloodseeker.
I am disappointed that I cant pick up the spines or bone chips of my fallen enemies!
I did not run AV until TBC came out (I had a late start.) That being said, it was still my favorite BG by far!
Turtles were fun.
Fighting in the field of strife or at choke points or at flags were also fun times.
I’m simply looking forward to this existing again! The last time BGs were really fun for me was during WotLK.
Means hes lit or whatever. Basically, means Korak is hot.
Korrak was groovy.
If someone responds to a non-sticky thread after weeks of inactivity, that’s a necro.
Make a new thread.
exactly! yet we still can get intestines and decapitate people for quests outside of AV? wtf!
Still an important topic.
After posting the wall of no against Vanilla servers and now this. Aren’t you getting tired being proved wrong every single time?
The last saving grace for wow classic. #sad #unsub
I am depressed in AV… it is not pvp. Why this version again?
I just played the Classic AV and it was seriously dissapointing.
"Turning in armor scraps is an encouraged, supportive activity by this point. "
Are you kidding me? You have no chance of turning ANYTHING in. This thing is over faster than the bases get capped.
Bliz, doesn’t look like it is going the way you envisioned. #stoptheAVZerg
you don’t get it,., We want a hard challenging game
This is exactly why BFA FAILED
give us the hard version back, like everyone clearly wants
I am glad more people are discovering this thread. Take note of the threads that the blue referred to that repeatedly predicted what is happening, and begged them NOT to use late vanilla AV.
lol shocker
Blizzard doesn’t want Classic to succeed. It would be a slap in the face to the current retail version if Classic was more successful, so they are purposely trying to ruin Classic to say, “See, we told you so.”
There is no way the current devs want a version created by devs that don’t even work for Blizzard anymore to be more successful than their current version.