Alterac Valley balance changes, patch 8.1

I don’t know about other Alliance players, but I’m in favor of reverting this change and fixing the current imbalance some other way. For example, the problem could be fixed by making towers not affect reinforcements, which would be nominally neutral.

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Horde won AV in certain battlegroups/servers from 2005-2010.

Cata merged everything together. Horde from losing battlegroups outnumber winning ones. Horde started to lose majority. Good Horde BL’ed it.

From 2010-2017 this continued.

2018 BL’ing was removed, 40m’s moved to separate queue. Good Horde players queued for epics. Rest is history.


I remember he said that, however this was a minor terrain change. SHGY is harder to capture (for Horde) and it is no longer a place for farming since there is an escape route right from the ressing point.

Remember when Blizzard fixed both “backdoors” into Horde’s base in AV? They got rid of the hills right next to the entrance that ppl hopped over the first fence with, and they got rid of the gaps in the fences next to west frostwolf tower.

Of course, they blatantly refuse to fix the gamebreaking exploits Horde use to backdoor into our base.

Ion himself might as well implement a permanent Warlock gateway so Horde don’t need a Warlock to backdoor into our base.

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I haven’t been able to get in a fresh AV on alliance side yet, but each backfill has been a fairly terrible stomp of alliance by horde. I have no idea if the SHGY change has made any positive difference since it’s already captured by horde when I get in the BG…

At the moment AV feels a lot worse than it did yesterday before the patch hit. I understand maybe more alliance that haven’t played AV in a while are checking it out again to see what might be different, but the AFK-out rate is tremendous.

Since I didn’t read the patch notes, I was really confused for a second when I was running back north. Looks like a good change for Alliance if they ever decide to defend again. I’d say SH is still inferior to IB as a choke point, but it’s not as imbalanced as it was before. Anyone know if you can still squeeze through IW bunker on the mountain side?

And for those of you saying Alliance always wins AV, there’s a reason we have a 20-30 minute queue on Horde for the 40 mans now.

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Ya, I didn’t read the notes and was like holy… what the is going on??? I hope they give us the snowballs.

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Stop zerging North/South and afk’ing on noob hill/by the flag of dishonor, instead loot bodies and turn in crystals/blood/armor.


Do you know how impossibly hard it is to get anyone on Alliance to turn in scraps/storm crystals? Some ppl loot the bodies and then refuse to turn in anything. I’m pretty much the only one that does.

Ally’s armor scraps turn in guy also aggros the second a Hunter pet gets near him and proceeds to die so there is a very small window where we can turn in scraps.

If it’s a game that doesn’t descend into a 40 minute chat room; I’ve found Ally do this just fine. I’ve seen more Ivus on the Field than I’ve seen the rock thing.

As for the change, sure, it’s nice but Horde still have access to both our Bunkers while we have to push through the IBGY kill box to get to TP.

That’s been my experience

They did get it wrong. Can they really be that blind, or are they just making a change that they hope will satisfy Alliance without having any real impact?

How many devs actually run AV on a regular basis? I bet it’s 0 or close.

They don’t know how the place works - and let’s face it, there are so many interacting parts of AV that it’s not easy to understand - so of coure a clueless “fix” results when they try to fix something.


I wonder if horde will get more use out of this change than alliance

Frankly, running by the GY change for the first time…I giggled…“that isnt going to really help.”


The porous triangle of SHB-SHGY-IWB is still porous just maybe not fat Tauren-sized holes but more like more manageable Gnome-sized holes now


I played 5 AV’s total on Alliance side last night, and it seems nothing has changed even with the SHGY change - almost every game is the “same old” beatdown stomp of the Alliance. In 3 of the AV games I was backfilled in and Ally was already down 200-300 points, and Horde had already capped SHGY when I zoned in. Only 2 of the games were “fresh” matches.

And yes, the AFK-out/ragequit rate is just ATROCIOUS. It seems even worse than before the patch. Every game around the same time there are 6-8 people that ragequit or leave early.


Several runs today and the GY change has had zero effect. I was only able to get 1 fresh run in and watched SHGY get walked right over bu the Horde as it did before.


Finally a horde win!!

Dont understand why the gy was changed as almost every av ive been in the last month alli never stop and use that gy- its a zerg to the hord base and usually with 1 tower up still kill Drek.

Today horde didnt race. Sat on our two towers and turtled basically. Won with a few hundred more resources than alli

It’s good for alliance since it limits access to the GY. Allows for alliance to focus on the IWB area rather than having to watch and switch between left and right side.