Alterac Valley balance changes, patch 8.1

Servers are up.

Enough chatter about what happened before. Need some real time info naaaaoooww!


I’m not home yet!

I can keep searching for videos is you really want to keep debating it, but it seems clear to me you’re not going to accept anything that doesn’t fit your narrative.

And it’s pretty irrelevant considering that killing Vann or Drek with all 4 bunkers/towers up now is very unlikely.

Wanna talk about who has the defensive advantage? That’s more relevant now.


Your wish is my command :grin:

I just specific-queued AV and got in after waiting some ~36 minutes, I snapped a quick screenshot while hiding behind a tree (the area was flooded with Horde). I’m not sure how to post images though? :thinking: If someone would let me know I’ll share the screenshot.

It’s a modest rise in height, and it has a ledge similar to IBGY. In other words, you can’t just run “straight” to the flag anymore from the south - you need to go North, around a corner, and then up a ramp to reach it.

Hope this helps

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Convinced of this too. It’s like trying to teach a pig to sing.

Anyway, just did an AV, posted some screengrabs on


How do you post links? When I tried to post an imgur link it gave some error message about “You are not allowed to post links”, weird :thinking:

But yea, you’re screenshots are good, it’s a modest raise in height of around 10-12 yards. It’s just like IBGY, just on Alliance side of the map.

Put ‘ around the link. I think

Perhaps in terms of it being a ledge, but it can still be approached by three different routes, whereas there’s only one access point to IBGY. There’s still a very stark difference in that IBGY protects everything, whereas Stonehearth is still open terrain and you can bypass SHGY entirely to get to other points.

It does mean we will have an easier time defending the graveyard though, and for that, I’m grateful.

As for links, I just use the hyperlink button on the editor.


the way the GYs work has been changed also this might be a MUCH bigger change
IF the GY near you is not yours then you cave res you do not rez nearest owned GY.

So to restate it checks for nearest GY IF that one is not yours you cave rez.


Thank you.

To be honest, my reaction is that I’m not actually sure which faction this helps.

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Tbh it doesn’t address the IB choke what so ever, which is the big offender. I appreciate AV changes but the wrong GY got it.


Another Ally favored change.

Horde rarely win AV 
 why not address the ally towers or npc placements

Give horde side a friggn chance in AV
 another absurd change not needed compared to main issues after all these years.

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When you stop referring to issues that were fixed four years ago, your opinion will matter.


How exactly is this ally favored? You still have the strongest choke in the keep.


@ the Hordies in this chat claiming “Alliance always wins AV”
 have you guys been living under a rock or something??? Horde dominates in AV.

It’s such a Horde favored bg lately that whenever I see it pop I know there’s a good 80%+ chance I’m gonna get a “free win” :grin: Just last night I won 2 AV’s in a row on Horde, and they were easy wins too.

I’m guessing you guys are new or players returning from extended multi-year absences? :thinking: Horde wins almost every AV, this is confirmed by both Hordies and Alliance players on this forum (whine threads).

You guys need to log in more often, you’ll see


Hmmmm, I didn’t experience this just now. Died near fw and rezzed at snowfall since ibgy got back capped behind us.

There is a side path from the spawn area that takes you to SHB then a drop down so horde can’t go up that way. A big help for defending the bunker but ONLY if alliance actually defends the new gy which they didn’t just now even after I pointed out it changed.

Only like 3 came and looked around like I did even.

Alliance :disappointed:

I heard from someone Alliance win a lot in the early brackets, below honor level 30.

so alliance gets to stomp av for several years, but the instant horde is able to win it needs to be nerfed?

Idk about you, but I always won half my AV’s. If you didn’t zerg with the crowd or weren’t silent and let the zerg be the majority, then AV wasn’t hard to win as Horde for the past however many years. Get people to defend Galv, or get a few to sit in TP and fend off the Alliance wave usually had decent results.

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