Alterac Valley balance changes, patch 8.1

ever post anything constructive? or is it always a self pretentious pat on the back :joy:

I do, if you check all my posts.

youre one of those people that hides their profile for some reason so… cant… :roll_eyes:

You can do a forum search.

Here’s a recent post where I specifically advocate reverting the AV map change:

I think it’s pretty clear even just from my posts in this thread that I don’t like the change.

It seriously is AV welfare for alliance who clearly have no skill when it comes to bg’s. I have advocated a 50/50 chance of alternate map starts for both factions on AV as a method of resolving the obvious advantages to alliance in the map but that has fallen on deaf ears because baby fur seals need all the advantage they can get dont they :slight_smile:


Go for it.

It’s barely a fix. You can assault shgy from two fronts. You cannot do that to IBGY and TP is completely protected form assault.

SHGY has iWB right in line with the flank path.

You cannot tell me that is remotely even. The Alliance defenders have way more things to worry about early game than horde do.

Adding a hill to SHGY does not fix any of that. So sure. Get rid of the hill.


As for swapping starts to random. I wholeheartedly endorse this. Outside of giving the BG life and a twist noone can whine anymore because everyone is subjected to anll of the map difficulty at some point.

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What obvious advantages? People keep saying that but all they have is alliance keep, which has been debunked multiple times. You got new material?

When did Alliance win 100%? I always won 50% of my AVs as Horde. Call for defense on TP or IBT or Galv, and if people listened we’d have a good win.

Just lost one on we could’ve won pretty easily if horde understood defense is what wins AV for them, especially vs. good/geared alliance teams. When horde do not allocate enough defense and instead tunnel vision a zerg north, they stand a decent chance of losing.

I meant through out the years when there wasn’t an epic bg queue. Sure they could have blacklisted it, but I think many Horde players chose to BL Strands and IoC.

Tbh, with my troll Survival Hunter, I found the flag super defendable once the Horde captured it. Lay down traps, flare covers the hill road up perfectly too. It also acts as a chokepoint for AOE if you got to defend it (beyond the occasional class that can hop/charge over the hill).

If anything, the hill should be an advantage to the Horde once they start spinning the flag.

Horde did not black list strands, strand of the ancients was easy wins for horde players as most alliance players black listed Strands of the ancient, and horde black listed IOC and AV.

In the older AV zergs, it did not seem to matter who won the race, it was more about the Alliance having plenty of very good PVE Tanks and Healers. The Horde were lucky to have a Tank and Healer and were always spending most of their time AFKing in the Alliance base waiting for the end.

Lately, playing Alliance you are lucky to have a Tank or a couple of Healers. Played last night and only had three Healers and no Tank. That was a long hard game, but managed a win, thanks to patient people organising and carrying out a plan.

Alliance have lost a lot of players and I guess that is why Blizzard are giving Alliance the 30% Warmode advantage and the quest to kill 25 Horde players in any BFA zone to get 370 gear. Lots of Alliance doing the Faction Assault because of those reasons and very easy to get the 25 kills. Even though we seem to be easily outnumbering Horde in the Assaults, still seeing the 30% warmode advantage :slight_smile: