Alt-tab (MPO) freeze after 20th anniversary update (Fixed)

Like title says. 50% of the time I get this 5-10 seconds freeze when I alt tab out. sometimes I even miss Ques because of this. does anyone have this issue? how do I fix this bs…

Edit: Here is a solution for those who need to know how to fix this stupid alt-tabbing freeze. I hope Blizzard will fix this disaster asap, but for the time being, I chose to disable the MPO feature, and the tabbing freeze stopped completely. Most of the in-game issues have been fixed, too.

this is how you do it: Registry Editor → HkeyLocalMachine → Software → Microsoft → Windows → Dwm → create Dword 30bit → rename to OverlayTestMode → change data value to 00000005
you will need to restart your computer.

this is caused by recent wow update conflicts with your graphic card if you have MPO enabled. keeps creating mini-crashes.

You could also disable the accelerator on Chrome or Steam. I haven’t tried it yet but I believe it should also fix the problem. But If you can’t handle the poor browser performance you can do it my way. FYI MPO doesn’t do anything if you are using Nvidia or AMD graphic card.

Like this post to help others so more can see it. took me several hours to figure it out.