Alt Reputation Levels?

Does anyone know if it’s important to level all the reputations on alts? My first 120 is exalted with all BFA factions. I can see Champions for the increased HoA levels and I guess 7th for War Campaign? Is that it?

IMO… in general, no. Your alts don’t require exalted with any faction your main already has exalted with.

The exceptions would be if the faction quartermaster had something for sale that required revered/exalted to buy which you didn’t need on your main, like profession recipes and xmog items. If you want those items for your alt, you get the required rep.

In bfa, recipes and other valuable items don’t require above revered.

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Thank you. What about Champions? Do you still have to get up to revered to get the item levels too?

For the moment yes, but only to revered. No item level bonus at exalted

In 8.1, you won’t need rep in Champs for you’re alts. If you hit exalted on your main all your alts automatically get +item levels (assuming alt doesn’t already have it).

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I keep hearing that!! I’ve not found it in any of the patch notes posted but I really hope it’s true. Thank you!!

They usually don’t post the official patch notes until right before the patch (or sometimes right after.) It is something that’s been stated by devs several times as a thing that will be in 8.1. (Along with the get X reps to exalted series of achievements going account-wide, and rep requirements being lifted from using transmog and toys unlocked by another character.)

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Yeah, I meant all the preliminary ones you see on MMO, etc. I just don’t want to waste time double-dipping if I don’t have to.

This article on wowhead seems to state the upcoming changes to rep for alts in 8.1, including Champions of Azeroth.

"First, it was announced that the Heart of Azeroth upgrades from the Champions of Azeroth reputation will become account-wide in the upcoming patch.


Awesome, thank you!

So ONLY Champs Rep will be account wide and rest is just Achievement based?

As in, I can not use the Exalted Rep on one character (say for Laughing Skull) to purchase items with a new character? That new character needs to be exalted also on their own…?

That is correct. You CAN NOT use the exalted rep on one character to bypass the system and purchase rep-gated/restricted items on another character.