Alt Privacy - What's it Worth to You?

I first want to give a shout-out to Shadowx for the quoted thread below. Thank you for posting that.

To a lot of players who’s games second as a social platform, you’re not likely to be concerned about this at all. However, for those of us privacy curmudgeons, this is a big frackin’ deal. We didn’t like “Cogshanks”, back in the day. We don’t appreciate “Check-PvP. fr” now.

We don’t want any third party apps or websites, without our express permission, showing anyone our entire list of alts by looking up just one of our characters. We just don’t. As I said, we’re privacy curmudgeons, and we’re allowed to be this way.

You can use the solution listed in Shadowx’s quoted post below for keeping your alts private, or you can use the Account solution as a blanket setting for any other 3rd party apps that crop up in the future.

1st, login to your Bnet account.
2nd, go to Account Settings.
3rd, scroll down the left navigation window and select ‘Privacy & Communication’.
4th, now scroll down the page to ‘Game Data and Profile Privacy’.
5th, click ‘Update’
6th, uncheck the ‘Enabled’ box.
7th, click ‘Save’.

To any and all other privacy peeps out there, I sure hope this post, and or Shadowx’s below, helps you out.

Have a good one all, and enjoy your game, your way. :slight_smile:


I recently just had someone try to stalk me this way. So thank you.

Oh jeez, Slyfoxey, I’m really sorry to hear that. As it is, you’re very welcome!
I think this was an issue for some players over on the Argent Dawn server too, as mentioned by this related thread by Khelnamun.

Yikes, I had no idea this was a thing, thanks for the heads up! I checked prior to hitting that update and yeah… shows the majority of my alts and has been accessed more times than I would prefer to see.