Alright Blizzard, let's talk about how you screwed Gold in this game

Why is getting a job at McDonalds making 16$ an hour the best farming method? Every single time I look ways to make gold on WoW through traditional professions like skinning, mining, or other gathering professions they are noticeably less gold per hour than just getting a job irl.

The WoW token is currently sitting at 260,000 for 20$ and only ever seems to go up. Seems very convenient considering unlocking tabs is gonna cost us millions soon. Its almost like Blizzard is incentivized to make things be as expensive as possible to feel as if the token is only option for an average player.

A new player only has about 10,000 gold when getting to level 70 and Mythic+ and Raiding is a gold sink. There is actually no way to make money fighting monsters at max level at a competitive level. I purchased several WoW tokens because why would I waste even a second trying to level up a profession that, at max level can only get me 30,000-50,000 gold per hour? I can’t help but think that if I just farmed skinning for 5 hours and made 300,000 gold, that is just essentially less than an hours work at my irl job. So why wouldn’t I just work for a couple more hours and buy 5 or 6 WoW tokens?

The only real way to make money is with the auction house. No offense but Im paying a subscription so I can be apart of a thriving MMORPG with cool monsters and professions like Blacksmithing and Alchemy. Not so I can download 5 more Add-ons that allow me to manipulate the WoW economy in my favor.

Professions are worthless unless they are making you 400-600k an hour to keep up with the rate you can buy WoW tokens with just a job loading boxes at a warehouse. I don’t understand why you would kneecap this games economy so you can make more money. It absolutely destroys the incentives to grind gold and participate in a fair economy when its become clear as day, WoW is PAY TO WIN!

Its so frustrating to log in to a game I pay a sub for just so I can be apart of the realities of real life. That you can just buy your way out of almost any problem with money. I want to be apart of a MMORPGS economy that is about the work I put into the game. NOT IRL!


The gold you get from selling a token doesn’t come from blizzard. It comes from another player. That gold has been earned at some point by someone. So that very much undermines your whole point that earning gold in game is too time consuming. Other people do it and have enough gold to cover their subscription every month!


It’s almost as though they’re a business trying to increase profits by getting their regular customers to spend more money. Who’d’a thunk it?


Is that not what I buy each expansion for? How about the sub fee? How about cosmetics? How about server transfers or name changes or race changes? How do they not make enough off of these and have to screw the in-game economy to make a couple extra bucks? Is the WoW community really this braindead?


They are on both sides of the line at the same time.

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Yeah, I feel like passive gold making is hard in this expansion. I was always able to get some small gold stream with crafting profession that I leveled on the side. But making professions a pillar this expansion totally ruined this capability, and now you need to invest much more before you get any profit back.

There are of course world quests, but in the past expansions, these world quests gave gold in package with pretty strong items in Emissary boxes, which again fueled enchanting. Now they require actually going out of your way and doing them just for gold.

I suppos that is a bit of lazy talk, in classic you do exactly that - go out and grind gold. But even there in classic there were cooldowns that you could use to generate gold passively rather easily. There are those in DF too, but again you need to level the recipe to gold level, or have high inspiration, before it starts selling for any profit. Most of the time just selling mats is more lucrative.

I feel like they need to get rid of recipe levels on consumable crafts. So, you can both create adequate consumables for yourself easily, and also sell them for gold easier. Or maybe who knows, maybe they fix the crafting orders in TWW and they start to give at least some gold so that you could earn at least something with your measly silver level crafts.


This is a game, you level professions because its fun to you, you are doing this for fun. The gold is a byproduct of that fun. You level and gear a job for the fun, you play for the fun. I didn’t know games were such a hard concept.

THe passive gold you get form quests/farming is more than enough to cover consumables endgame.


Wowtoken price is set by other players, so it’s what people decided the gold/time is worth.


Yes I know how inflation works, I do go to the grocery. But the fact that you have an item in the game that is completely invalidating huge parts of your game is a major problem no? The only thing this undermines is the players farming the low gold professions in the game like any gathering profession. Those people are being undermined and forgotten about, not me. Yes 1-5% of the playerbase can cover their WoW token with gold. But is that worth destroying parts of your game over?

I’m not sure I agree with the opinion that Blizz doesn’t control prices and that all gold comes from other players. How do we know this? Just because Blizz told us so? We don’t really control the prices. We click on the token and it goes on the AH at a set price. We are unable to adjust the gold amount, ain’t it?

I’m sure we influence it a little bit, but I have a feeling Blizz messes with it somehow.

Or maybe I just need to remove my tin foil hat.


I wasn’t describing inflation. I was just pointing out that people still earn their gold in game, including the people who buy those tokens for gold. Most people still make their gold by just playing the game.


Most people play a game to enjoy it. WoW is not a job for the bulk of us.


Just do the gold wqs and dragon races. They pay out a lot of gold.

Professions have always waxed and wained. And with the new system I just gave up on them completely.


Really good rant! Well done. I’d argue that wasting even a second on professions might be fun. I’d argue that wasting time in WoW is kind of the point. And, for fun, I’d argue that spending any time in the game’s forums is folly and a colossal waste of time.


But the WoW token is set by a price caused by inflation? It only makes more sense for Blizzard to up the cost of items in game, like the new tabs costing 3 mill and make professions farm only 50k gold an hour. That way you are incentivized heavily to spend money to skip the grind. Is this what you are arguing for? If people make their gold in game then they are getting screwed over by having Blizzard put monetary value on that time. Is this not obvious? Is this really what you are arguing for?

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you working for mcdonalds @$16 an hr > blizzards pocket

they dont care where you are getting it from, the 'blizzards pocket 'bit is the only part of the transaction that matters to them.

True. And these people are making it obvious who they are targeting.

But for every grind one person skips, another person has already done. And then some, since as well as buying their token for gold they are also spending gold on their own bank tabs.

And come on. The bank tab hysteria is silly. It’s only the last warband tab that will be super expensive, and no one is going to need that for a long time. You don’t have to unlock them all day one.


And I make my gold from dragon races right now. Which is super easy to do.

I don’t know what all the fuss is about. But I also don’t feel the need to have millions of gold.

What exactly is being destroyed?


Uh… I may or may not have two personal guild banks full of all sorts of old mogs n stuff n reagents.

whistles innocently