Alright, beta is over let's go

knowing blizzard, we will probably get it “soon”. Blizzard has always done there released against it’s competition. My guess is late November or early December. BUT I would like to see blizzard fix the random DC’s in SW though.


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Somewhere this person claimed to clear Naxx back in the day, too.

y u so mad bro

Ari cleared Naxx?


as a matter of fact, I did.

Op is the example of player who will be hard to find in game by week 3.


Pretty stoked, playing warlock this round

Gonna be near the release of that Final Fantasy Expansion most likely.

I may not have cleared Naxx but I have cleared a room before with only the use of my Butt.
Which should you be more proud of? I think we all know the answer to that. Good day.

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You sound like you should be a Naxx boss

Everyone remember this post and if this player comes to the forums to complain about bugs. We can laugh at them because the bugs were there fault.

Take a lesson from the impatient TBCC players they got the next phased released and both main encounters were bugged.

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Are u stinkface from ICC?

not sure why everyone thinks I’m going to be quitting in a few weeks :roll_eyes:
I love leveling in vanilla WoW and will at least get to 60, join a raiding guild, do MC, BWL, and AQ40 before I even think about quitting. But thanks for your concerns, everybody.

18 months is my minimum, ain’t going to happen though. It’s Season of Zoomers.


You that eager to replace a level 20 sockpuppet?


if that’s the only reason you’re not playing SoM I wouldn’t worry about it
12 months is not set in stone. they said they will observe and adjust as needed. in reality, we will probably be much closer to 18 months than you think

This is so funny to read now after they announced they’re reworking molten core/Onyxia fights

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It isn’t over though ?

by “reworking” you mean adding in some removed mechanics? we already knew that