Already played MoP 10 years ago

Why do our main characters get no content to play with, meanwhile we get fomo event after fomo event to use throw away characters on? Meanwhile our actual characters. “Oh, go do fated raids for a few months with them”.

I want to play my characters I leveled and geared up already. Not basically play another game to get things that should be obtainable in this game right now and forever.


So you’re complaining that new characters get to do rehashed content that gives rewards we get to keep for retail while your main character only has the option to do rehashed content that gives rewards you get to keep in retail.

And both fated and Pandamonium are FOMO and that’s bad.

That about sums it up?


I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the same 5 people on throwaway toons making all these threads.


That’s my theory too.


Nope. Not at all. Why isnt new content created for my actual characters to use instead of a throw away character.

Fated is just a waste of time and if they spent the time and resources for new content instead of side content, they could put rewards there. Versus rerunning old content on a throw away.


Well I consider myself absolved since while I might complain in some of the threads I’m not making any of them.

The day that I named a character “Imnotgarrosh” would be the day I walked away from the game as well.


But the title of your thread is pointing out you already played this content 10 years ago.


You’re cool because you like Steven Wright.


This is what I was sticking around for at this point anyhow, so the virally spreading Pangimmick is just something extra that I might play around with in conjunction with that. I don’t like the way they are playing around with the separated modes though, but that’s my personal complaint about it.

[NG] Why make more retail content at all? People keep showing they will stay for and make themselves suffer through grinding out whatever rewards exist in that FOMO content. Just keep doing some cheap FOMO mode every month with retail rewards and you will probably have those customers forever.

I believe it does.

I inferred that rather than spending dev time rehashing old content in a separate game, spend time creating new content in the main game.

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Aside from S4 and the Dark Heart campaign you mean . . .


But they’re doing both so I don’t understand the OP’s complaint.

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They’re making fated and “throw away” content because the majority of dev resources are focused on the expansion coming out in 5 months.

These little things are taking place in the lull because they’re things that don’t require much development resources.

We ALWAYS get a content drought before an expansion. This time however, Blizzard’s doing something about it and people are still whining.


And there’s the simple part that reusing old stuff for a new event is a lot less labor intensive, so we can get a whole expansion mini-game with a toon we keep in retail or probably just a boss that spawns every 30 mins with a 1% toy drop.


I am so confused, are we not getting some new xpacs? Thought these limited time events were content to tided us over until the next xpac. I guess Blizzard could go back to no content since people don’t like this.


Because quick and easy nostalgia (ephemerality) was chosen over the far quicker and easier long-term solution of horizontal progression and developing ‘vertically’… ironically.
The resulting effect: A community fragmented across 1000 clients, with each stagnating over time.
I actually can’t fathom how we’ve reached this point. I’ve been warning about this since 2019.

S4 is negative content though since it’s actually removing the current versions of 3 raids from the game, on a rotating basis.

Season 4 is literally in less than 2 weeks.

The logic to get to where you are is astonishing. You’re grasping at straws to spin a positive into a negative.

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I know.

The last month on this board has actually made me feel sorry for Blizzard.