Alpha Survival Tree Feedback - Long Post

Bro, chill.

I can see it’s flawed. New Coordinated Assault looks pretty wonky, yeah. But I see enough there already that I can enjoy. As I keep on saying, I hope all the issues people are pointing out get fixed.



The tree is a complete mess. Its the worst ive ever seen blizz push live. You know this was a “no one is going to play it anyways bc we will undertune the hell out of it” job.


I just took a look at this today as I was a bit busy with RL. That said, I am wondering what happened to SV tree setup. It seems that tried to do a Bomb, Semi Range, Trap and Pet tree. Oh I left out the strange poison fire tree? I know its early, but it seems a bit confusing. I guess I need to see how it plays. I do not mind getting a few range abilities, it seems all the ones they give are have a CD on them.

Ty for this post, don’t have the time to read it all but plan too later. Awesome ideas so far and yea this tree they came out with is crap, they took 10 min maybe to slap this together, the person making the tree obviously doesn’t play survival… I got my few comments on my forums post here

I’ll keep reading when I can I just wanted to say thank you for saying something about this!

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