Alpha soon?

According to the roadmap which hasn’t been wrong once this entire expansion, alpha release is due out before S4.

And since we know S4 will be out on the 23rd, alpha should be out some time before then

Nobody really knows, but it’s expected any day now. I’m sure the streamers will let us know instantly as soon as they get in.

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Well, if you go by the roadmap, this will be one of the shortest tests ever so expect the expansion launch to be a disaster lol.


Assuming its a public alpha that is

Not really, DF alpha came out 7/22/22 and expansion released 11/28/22, that’s a 4 month time from alpha to release and the expansion was more polished than SL

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Alpha could be out already… It is usually highly restricted at the start with only employees and family/friends of employees having access.

Has the alpha ever been public? I feel like it’s always been invite only.


It is, I meant the info is also usually not allowed to be shared

They mean no NDA.
But to my knowledge once Blizzard announces it, WoWHead datamines it and all the streamers get access.
It’s good and free marketing for Blizzard, and they know it.

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Ah yeah, I checked Wowhead and it looks like they did a lot of datamining for the Dragonflight Alpha when it released. So it’s pretty likely they’ll do the same this time around too.

Unless Blizzard asks them not to, like they asked not to datamine Plunderstorm before it was revealed.

It’s never been public, only beta has. But last few expansions they did invite some streamers/influencers to play it so they can make content and get some free ads out for Blizz

Blizzards alphas are usually more polished than a lot of other studios closed betas, so I’m not really worried about the short test period.

Betting sometime this week but by the 19th at the latest

NO it’s not public. Both the Alpha and Beta are Invite only but there’s no NDA so content can be shared.

why does it matter? blizzard does NOT grant public access to its alphas ever.

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Yes but then the forums will be… :kissing::pinched_fingers:

shadowlands was the only reason they did that. they needed any sort of positive news to dig themselves out of that disaster. so no i doubt they will.

Friends and Family Alpha is private. Alpha has been non NDA for a while now.

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