<Alpha Intent> Recruiting All

Who are we?

We are a group of laidback old school players looking to progress through end-game content in BFA while also having a great time! We know how to have fun and keep it light, but also understand that as soon as the pull timer starts ticking down its time to focus. We are striving to create a positive community within our guild, all current guild members devote their time outside of raids to help gear alts and newer players. Have a rotation question? Have a best in slot question? Question about a particular encounter? We have the answers! And we will take the time to help you understand the answers and improve as a player!

What are we looking for?

Currently we are recruiting all classes and roles (any ilvl/any experience level) for Mythic + groups, raiding and pvp. However, we want players with positive attitudes that are focused on constantly improving their performance when it comes to spell rotations/boss mechanics. We expect that our raiders come prepared with flasks/food and general knowledge of encounters. We also expect 100% attendance for raids that you sign up for.

Schedule: TBD, (Mostly weekend raiding)

Please PM any of the below contacts for more info.