Alongside the mog run changes in TWW, can we also get

Two things I’d love to see in addition to the transmog run changes in TWW (anything that drops is added to your wardrobe regardless of armor type):

1.) A legacy loot setting that removes rings/trinkets/Legion artifact nodes. Cause it’s annoying when you kill a boss and only two real moggable armor pieces drop in favor of rings/trinkets/etc.

2.) Getting a piece of armor on mythic difficulty gives you the lower difficulty versions. Let’s be honest, with there being 4 different raid difficulties nowadays it’s a PAIN if you want to collect sets, “having” to run 4 different raid types.

Just my two cents.


Wouldn’t mind them removing legacy raid lockouts too.

What’s the point in keeping it to once a week for 4 year old raids?

I think the reason these still exist is to stop people from just 24/7 farming the rare mounts like Invincible/Mimiron’s Head/etc. Not saying I agree but I think that’s their justification.

Also all armor types should be moggable by every class. Class sets should stay class sets but the rest should be open to every class.


Oh no. You’re one of those people.


Just playing I’ll get over it.

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This!!! This right here!!! This would be amazing for mog collectors

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What’s it matter though? What difference does it make to Blizz if people have mounts or not?

It’s not current content anymore. Why do we need weekly lockouts?

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Their justification is probably it keeps people’s play time up lol

I agree. There are so many plate sets that look like cloth and vise versa (i.e, Priest Aberrus tier).


I love that Ion’s excuse for not doing this is class recognition. He wants you to be able to look at a character and be able to identify it immediately.

Then in the blog post yesterday about Warbands he use a Druid in a casual mog and a warrior in a neutral mog that anyone can use. Neither of which made them look like their class.

If I can run around in nothing but pants, or a yeti onesie then class identification has gone out the window.

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Yeah, you’re probably right. More money for the system, right? Lol

I would LOVE this!!!. I also thought of a Transmog loot rule where the loot table ONLY has transmog, but it doesn’t give you the actual item so you can’t vendor for gold (as a balance sort of thing), just the transmog.

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I am :grin:

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Or the Valentine’s white and pink heart set. Big scary male orc warrior in a white skirt. Cute as a button.

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