<Almost One Shot> 8/8H 3/8M Recruiting DPS Mythic Raid

The Almost One Shot raid team is looking for additional DPS to fill out our mythic raiding team. Currently we are 8/8H 3/8M. We raid every Tues/Wed from 7:45CST to 10:00 CST. When we are close to a kill we extend to 10:15 CST. We’re pretty laid back but expect raiders to show up to raids on time and prepared with enchants, health/mana pots, gems, and weapon enhancements. Phials, DPS potions, and Vantus Runes will be provided on raid nights and raiders have access to guild repairs.

Current Class/Specs we are prioritizing are listed here
Mage / Any Spec
Warrior / Fury or Arms
Monk / Windwalker
Warlock / Any Spec
Priest / Shadow (backup healer opportunity)
Druid / Balance

If you’re interested, you can reply here or reach out to our team via BNET listed below.

Raid Lead: Fulcrumm BNET: Jacx#1410 Discord: jacx6string
Raid Lead: Dooshnewkem BNET: Drew#1744
Recruitment and Main Tank: Sosse BNET: Soseji#1101

Bump to the top

wanna see a magic trick? BOOM back to the top!

We cant be the only guild up against the roster boss?!?!

I am interested in joining just wanna ask a few things first.

Feel Free to reach out to any one of our contacts from the main post. We’ll be glad to answer any questions!