Almost all the top healer Monks are using a staff rather than MH/OH, why?

I talked to someone who said that it had to do with our attacks scaling based on weapon damage and 2H are higher. If it was just about stat points then it should be pretty much the same. So what is it? I’m trying to decide on upgrade strategies. Don’t have a huge amount of resources (crests etc) to spend. Thanks in advance.

It costs 180 gilded crests to make a MH/OH combo

It costs 90 crests to make a staff.

Same spark cost but it’s cheaper to make a staff.

Lots of people also follow the guide which says to make the staff still.

Costs more to make 2 weapons than 1 weapons.

Also with the drops from dungeon and raid, 2h offers better stats i think.

Ok so here’s the thing, I’m playing multiple alts and am unlikely to be able to farm enough gilded crests to get the weapon, so at least in the short term I’m stuck with 619’s. I have Champion tier gear that can be upgraded to 619. The only downside is the weapon wouldn’t have Ascension.

If you already have a higher level weapon, you can upgrade additional weapons to the same level with only Valor and zero crests. So what I was considering was making a Brewmaster staff and then upgrading my current weps to 619 with Valor. I’m wondering if there’s any reason that’s a bad idea.

Additionally, everyone who already has a staff at max level would be able to upgrade a MH/OH combo with no crests but they’re choosing not to, so it seems like there must be some kind of benefit to using the 2H because if not more people would opt for 1H weps as an aesthetic choice if nothing else.

Intellect specializations do not get damage scaling from weapon dps.


Try it. You do more DPS.

Atleast with Autoattacks, and kitty form Rdruid.

It still scales significantly higher with intel, but wep dam does have a small factor.

I’m talking about abilities, not auto attacks. No mw is taking a 2h over 1h/oh because of auto attack damage. Abilities for intellect specializations scale off of spell power only, or in the case of shared abilities like crusader strike and most of monks toolkit, attack power only, with spell power converting into attack power at a coefficient determined by the specializations hidden passive. Only strength/agility specializations have weapon dps incorporated into the attack power coefficient for abilities.

The absolute simplest way to verify that abilities are not scaling off of weapon damage is to compare no weapon to an agility weapon. The tooltip damage will be exactly the same for mw, as they are scaling off of intellect, which is 1:1 to spell power. Weapon dps has no factor in mistweaver ability damage.


Literally just tested it my guy.

Same ilvl items. With similar intel

Tiger plam hit harder with 2H. Not sure what to tell you.

Abilities have ±5% random spread which I’m sure you’re not accounting for.

Here is 50 tiger palm casts with a 626 agility weapon on the left and completely unarmed on the right. No trinket or weapon procs that would influence the damage outcome results in the average hit being basically the same. Weapon dps does not factor in to intellect modified ability damage.


From peak:

“weapon damage is pitiable in relation to the throughput we gain from Intellect (remembering that our Attack power is equal to our Intellect * 1.04)”

Same Ilvl staffs and mh+oh combos give same int/secondaries.

All of our actual abilities scale off our int/spell power. I just tested and TP/RSK/etc and they all scale off int and had the same dmg amts regardless of staff or 1h/oh. The only difference is auto attack damage, which is slightly higher with the staff ( which makes sense because it’s 1 sec slower than the 1h/oh but we are talking 153 extra dps here, which is nothing when mobs have millions of health ). So it is a non factor really because of how small of a difference it might be.

Highest int/ilvl is always the best option because it will have the higher stats and because int is our main stat that affects everything.

Weapon damage doesn’t affect Jadefire Stomp.

If you sim/compare both a 2h and 1h/oh combo at the same Ilvl ( with the same stats ) on QE live they come out with the same values.

The ONLY benefit ( worth noting ) that a crafted staff has over a crafted 1h/offhand is that crafting the staff costs less crests, it only costs 90 crests instead of the 1h/oh costing 180 ( 90x2 items ). It is highly recommended to craft the staff first/early season because crests are more limited at that point, and a better weapon is the biggest int upgrade you can get that early usually. Unless for some reason you really want a sword/offhand transmog. The staff also lasts very long, and should be your BIS weapon for most of the season unless/until you get lucky with mythic vault/raid drops.

OP if you are limited on crests you probably want to use them for the staff. If you can trade up and get 90 gilded crests, or slowly farm them out it is probably still the best bang for your buck int wise, keep using whatever else till then. You ideally want the ascended embellishment on it and the writing armor banding on another piece as the second embellishment to 2x the ascended buff. ( you cant put the banding on every piece so keep that in mind when crafting the second item )


Thanks all, great info.